Damn I just finished watching this series: Saikano....
What a rollercoaster....
I'm interested on your opinions...
Also in the end spoiler:
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>Did shuu-chan lost his mind, or did chise just changed her form?
I want to know what you think of the ending...
Well I'd say I liked this series but it is so so so sad I dont recommend it. I felt like crap through half the episodes.
As far as the ending I think it is the 2nd thing you said. I mean with all the crazy things that happened I think even something that crazy is possible.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rocktar @ Dec 7 2003, 08:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Back to gathering my balls for the second episode, I guess. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I've you are worried about the first episode alone... i guess you will need even bigger balls to get through the series.. the first episode is nothing
I have always wanted to watch Saikano, but never had the guts to start. Well, 2 days ago, after I have gathered some balls, I watched episode 1. It started off as a very sweet romantic love story.
This is one of the quote in the first episode: "In a country town like ours, there's nothing that's fun. And we knew nothing about our future. But there was one thing we'd both decided. We'd be in love." by Shuuji from Saikano
But at the end of the first episode I was thinking, how cruel? Why would people do such thing to a girl? So I was depressed already. Back to gathering my balls for the second episode, I guess.
Indeed... it is a very sad anime... escepically the ending.... though the story for the manga is longer.... but basically the ending is still the same....
This series can shake you quite well (in emotional means of couse) It had some REALLY tough scenes in there. If you need a cheer up, stay away from this one by all means. But on the other hand, it is some really good drama, so you probably should watch it anways. But in the way it fscks up your head in the end is similar to End of Evangelion of you ask me. So proceed with caution http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
Stay away from this anime. I was intrigued because Shuji physically resembles me, and that allowed me to suffer through all 13 episodes, but he's just another little Shinji Ikari self-loathing bitch when it comes down to it. I was incredibly disappointed in just about every character. What the hell was the writer thinking? It's pretty clear his ass got dumped hardcore... he's got quite the grudge.
What the hell were they even fighting for?
I find the anime is nice.. .though it is really sad... But i prefer reading the manga as it is more detailed than the anime