I'll add to the thread later but everyone should seriously watch this, the first episode was a breath of fresh air
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I'll add to the thread later but everyone should seriously watch this, the first episode was a breath of fresh air
I've read the first novel, but why do you think it is a breath of fresh air?
It's clearly a rehash of Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo. Fresh air it is not.
The light novel was even published barely over one year after Mondaijitachi's (April 1, 2011 versus April 25, 2012). Premise is the same, setup is the same, No Game No Life is a just pale shadow (with Day-Glo art).
That's not to say it is bad, but it's nothing revolutionary, merely derivative.
I read a couple chapters of the manga of this (hardly any are translated/released) and it was interesting. Looking forward to just watching the anime.
Well, the characters are certainly different from Mondaiji. No omnipotent bad ass in this one.
I know neither stories, but the hero in this anime certainly gives the impression of being an "omnipotent badass". Of course, the hero in that other manga might be even more omnipotent, lol.
@episode 1: I liked it. What sucked is how they rushed the development. The hero acclimated himself awefully quickly to being transferred into another world. He got way too confident way too soon. And, and, and.
I hope they spend an elaborate amount of time on explaining this guyīs past as well as building this new world. Donīt want another skip-induced anime like Sword Art Online.
But it is a keeper for now. Very easy to follow. If only it werenīt for the staple moe imouto. sigh
I thought to myself that guy is surprisingly adept at talking to people and understand all of their reactions etc... which doesn't seem to match with his NEET syndrom.
Regarding the 10 rules, I wonder how they are enforced. Because like the one about cheating, it only works if you get caught.
So I guess you could do the same with the no-kill one.
Well, the no-kill rule doesn't have a clause about not getting caught, right?
I also thought it was interesting that the last rule isn't covered by rule #9.
This pair might be even more omnipotent than Mondaiji's Izayoi. After all, the world is practically created for them, whereas Izayoi did have his super strength and wits, but we already saw he was, after all, getting near his limits surprisingly fast considering the beginning. However, in this show's world when violence and robbing is forbidden by the god, the games are everything, so it limits the scope perfectly for the siblings who seemingly excel at all sorts of games. In Mondaiji the games included violence and robbing. In this show with its peaceful games, a brute with lots of strenght is never any good. The world must be full of losers who don't have the intelligence for playing or simply don't enjoy it and thus can't get anywhere in life.
At least it was explained why the world is like that. Although it shouldn't stay like that. It would be somewhat improbable all the other gods who enjoyed their war would simply accept this gaming world for all eternity. Surely this Tet was a god of games, whereas the other gods were gods of whatever. Why would they all change? They should merely be bidding their time. But like Ryll said, this is merely an altered copy of another story, so I don't think it will have too much depth.
I wouldn't say they're more powerful. On par.
Sora couldn't figure out how the other girl was cheating, just that she was cheating the princess. He's no slouch at cheating, but she has something else going on. Both Sora and Shiro recognized that hooded girl had something to do with it, but they weren't able to determine it yet.
In contrast, Izayoi was usually able to figure out someone's Gift fairly quickly. He was the equivalent of Sora (strength) and Shiro (brains) combined. This pair is still obliterating bandits and the occasional shady woman. Izayoi fought gods right from the start. Give these two time.
What Ryll said, and the fact that Izayoi did not require a world designed for him to be omnipotent. He was just Izayoi anywhere.
ok, you guys made me check out this mondaijii-anime and i watched episode 1. um, that was super generic. i hated how super confident all three characters were when they just got transferred to some fantasy world. i hated how they had dragonball-like abilities even before transferring there.
seriously, no game no life is like 10 times better just comparing each seriesī first episode.
do those authors not understand how important a sense of inner belief is? When the very first scene is some middle schooler throwing stones like theyre meteorites, somethings gone wrong.
Sure, I will. I just hope that there will be some reasoning behind their gaming prowess. It's a bit more complicated than having been born a fighting monster. How did he even manage to win the poker game when it was the lady's deck and table? I can actually acccept the problem David pointed out: It works if you think the dude considers this world a game and is basically behaving like his player character would in a normal game.
Well, I'm not saying Izayoi's character wouldn't have been OP and granted plenty of blessings, but I maintain the claim this pair is better off: They are gamers, the world is all about games and nothing else, whereas Izayoi was an intelligent thug and had to suddenly face all manner of games and not merely solve everything with brawn.
Episode 2 - HS
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Quite an amusing episode. I think I'll have an easy time keeping watching this one, though it will take a while to shed the feeling of plagiarism. The odds are nicely piling against them with the opponents using magic. Maybe they will be able to use their technology to compensate every now and then, for a while. It might be pretty hard to fight against magic, though, if they can't even sense it being used.
I don't get why their totally break when separated, however. They don't seem to absolutely need each other when playing or crafting plans, for example, so why such a sudden crash when there's merely a door between them? At least the little sister is very understanding...
them breaking down when being separated for like 10 meters was super creepy and weird. If i didnt like the rest, itīd actually make me stop watching this anime. was just super dumb.
I really like this hero 100000 times more than the heroes from that other anime, which youre referring to when calling this one a "plagiate". Unlike the random magic powers in mondaijii, the hero here has no unbelievable powers. hes just really good at games, and in a world where games control everything, that makes him strong.
if it werent for the unrealistic confidence (youve just been transferred from real world to some fantasy world, please act a little more surprised and scared and shocked), id have no complaints about this show.
although i didnt get the janken game. "im only using paper". um, how is it even possible to lose against him then?!
Haha that was a nice parody.
I'm liking this far better than the LN version. That was simply not delivered as well, due to writing or maybe translation issues.
I keep getting surprised how anime "fans" are still "turned off" by incest themes.
It's about how common it is in the medium. Even if you do not enjoy it, I would think that you would have built up a resistance to it if you have watched enough anime.
Then again, I watch any genre or theme, so others may be more selective watchers and avoid certain things at all costs.
It amuses me how "fucking" is used to emphasize a point, when plainly stating it would have sounded much more convincing.