Of us all, Nadouku loves birthday parties the most, so have a fabulous one!
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Of us all, Nadouku loves birthday parties the most, so have a fabulous one!
Haven't seen you around here (or anyone else for that matter :p), but happy birthday and hope it's a good year.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to ya!
Happy birthday Nado!
Wow, it has been six years since I joined the GotWoot? family.
I had a blast today and I hope all of you had a wonderful Valentine's Day, or at least tried to. I haven't been on that much due to my work and other games that happened to pop up over the coming years. You all are a special family to me and I will never forget any of you. We share something that can never be broken and that's why I share my love to you all. I may not be around that much but know that I lurk from time to time, even if I don't post anymore.
Thank you for the birthday wishes~.
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
happy burf nadouku~
Late but still - Happy Birthday!
Happy 97th birthday!
Hope ou had a happy birthday and will keep that happiness for the years to come ;)