Is anyone playing this yet? I just got a key
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Is anyone playing this yet? I just got a key
I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, I know all the big lol streamers love that game. Don't have a key, though.
No key QQ.
Got one rom LoL coaching
I don't think they're that expensive though u guys could get one on ebay
What's funny is I had my key for over two weeks and didn't realize it. The email was sent to spam for some reason... >_>
The game was fun for the first few weeks, and there are definitely things I would still like to do... but ultimately, I got bored of it fast. It's extremely difficult to build up a collection without paying real money, and the card pool is pretty shallow as it is. It also suffers from the same thing WoW does with class imbalance. The majority of the time it comes down to skill, but there are just some cards that are just too good/not good enough. I suppose that's the point of a beta though. Anyways, I play it at work when I have nothing else to do, but for now, I've been focusing on other things.
arena is cool, everything else is boring
it takes too long to get new cards and on top of it, the amount of cards are shallow
I'll wait for them to add new stuff
+ priest is OP :D
shadowword pain+death+mind control = wtf!
How does ranked even work? I've been playing for a day and i'm already platinum
If anyone's looking for a key i got one today, could sell for paypal or a steam game
Or you could give it to me for free.
Sold it for 10 pounds, soz
Why would anyone pay for a key... I don't get it. Open beta is about to start, and it's not like the game is groundbreaking or anything.
A while back people were selling keys for like hundreds of dollars on Ebay lol, it was fucking ridiculous.
Anyway, the biggest problem i have with the game is that literally the ONLY thing i want to play is Arena, and that costs money to play (unless you get like 6+ wins each run you do).
Another pretty big problem is that because i have zero interest in 'constructed' play, both the Cards/Packs and all the Dust you get from the arena rewards are completely and utterly useless to people like me who only want to play Arena :/
So for people who only enjoy playing Arena, the game isn't free2play or pay2win, it's more like pay2play.
(Mages & Priests are OP :P)
and just because its cheap, you'd pay for it? even though you'll get it for free soon anyway?
I don't understand why people would pay (so much!) for a key thats only worth a few months/weeks/days, but then again- people pay for nearly anything, even cheats and hacks...
Are you honestly surprised someone pays 10 bucks for a beta key of a popular game?
God damn, people have too much money if they spend over 400 bucks on a box full of air.
Disposable income.
Lots of people are already paying for betas and pre-release 2-3 days passes. Im sure that in no time we are going to start seeing ppl selling alpha releases. Even if the market is "smal" (not so much people with huge disposable income) it still makes profit and takes very few effort to make. They even write in disclaimer that game could not work at all.
I always thought that writers would end doing the same by releasing their novels by chapters after seeing how lots of them started trilogies that perfectly fit one single book to get more revenue. Just bear with it cause its here to stay like DLC content extracted from the game when it should be part of it. You cant defeat it but there is no obligation to fight it.
Best you can do is keep your ego shield up and dont fall into envy or jealousy of ppl that do it or can afford it.