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And that was the most casual way to reveal an ex-jinchurriki ever.
Is he undead too?
so, what is his angle in this thing? I'm sort of lost on the whole subject.
Obito has really turned this into I'm A Whiny Little Bitch: The Manga. The reveal of his motives couldn't have been anymore anti-climactic. He'll probably become a hero in 5 chapters and sacrifice himself to reveal the 10 tail's weakness or something of that sort.
agreed. super lame. everything.
I´m actually trying to come up with a half-awesome way to end this manga, but I can´t. There´s Madara, there´s Obito, there´s Sasuke, and everything is more or less clear what´s going to happen. There´s no element of surprise left.
You´d think Sasuke is the potential element of surprise, but what could really happen to him?
1.) He turns good (seems likely by now)
2.) He returns to being a selfish asshole and attacks Naruto *yawn*
3.) Someone takes control of Sasuke
He did put Kakashi in a genjutsu though. They mentioned a few times that Obito might be immortal because of the whole zetsu/hashirama's cells thing but I don't think that is true since that was all before the real Madara was revived and he certainly doesn't act like he is.
Madara is being really stupid. As I meninted last chapter he has an invincible body and unlimited chakra and he has just been standing around doing nothing. This just isn't believable, he can just use the final Susanoo and crush them all. Hell it looked like the Juubi just set off the Naruto equivalent of a hydrogen bomb and yet Naruto protected everyone. Not too long ago the Juubi was picking off people across the map and yet Neji is the only who died here thus far and his death was ridiculous.
So when the fate of the entire world is on the line Kakashi intentionally wimps out on killing his enemy multiple times. great.
Ha, and now he is going to start keeping his promises
I am confused. Who did akatsuki kill to get that jinchurriki? I thought they killed the previous Mizukage?
What was the deal with the tailed beasts appearing and the Jyuubi apparently seeing Naruto as the SotSP is what I'm interested in.
I'm at a loss. The only thing is that it looks like Kakashi was NOT going to stab him, but was forced to. So its either Genjutsu or was forced by something else to do it.
Not yet, but we're sure to get an emotional scene of Bee and the 8-tails saying goodbye as Bee transfers the 8-tails chakra to Naruto so he can complete the 10-tails. And they will have some magic chakra-transfer-no-jutsu invented so that Bee doesn't die as a result.
You know Sidnne you are like the guy on a transatlantic flight that says we are hurdling through the air at miles per minute in a pressurized tin can and if something goes wrong the sudden loss of cabin pressure will kill us, if not then the fall from thousands of feet will, if not then the inevitable fiery explosion when we crash will or maybe we will get lucky and get stuck in the plane and drown or some of us could survive all that only to be eaten by sharks maybe we will just get hijacked or the landing gear will malfunction or any number of other things. Everyone groans and silently promises that no matter what happens that guy is not going to make if off the plane. Doomsayer.
That said, Hashirama and company better show up next chapter, just to break the repetition.
Seriously ^this. They can freakin see/sense/feel the battle from where they are and one of them can FREAKIN TELEPORT! Not kinda like literally instant transmition The rest of them have a million other crazy fast ground covering techniques I'm sure. he seriously waiting for the downed hokage to get a 3rd wind and join the undead hokage?! This reunion has dragged out enough to the point where everyone pretty much has the same techniques or a variation....Get on with it