[HorribleSubs] Fairy Tail - 172: 1080p | 720p | 480p
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Man, that's bullshit. Why do they have to take the lower score?
Anyway, really funny episode. Nice to see Ichiya finally showing the power Erza keeps telling us he has.
I guess we're going to see the end of this round at least before the end. I guess you can't ask for a better climax than a 4 person Dragon Slayer battle.
Yeah, but you're already penalizing them by apparently just disqualifying one of their teams that totally DESERVED to be there in the first place.
FT is basically being punished because Raven Tail got disqualified. And on top of that you have to take away points they EARNED too?
Let me try.
How about the entire FT team vs Sabertooth?
I feel cheated of my Gray/Laxus/Erza action.
They've never properly established that Mira was weaker than the FT team, so it's really hard for me to believe fully that the current team is the strongest possible one.
edit: Further news on FT's status.
Originally Posted by ANN
If the anime does a re-run and THEN follows on with more of the story, we can expect a 3-and-something year wait.
It sounds to me that it's going to continue in movies/OVAs.
Which, I dunno about because my understanding is that this arc isn't really anywhere near completing in the manga.
So are they just going to switch over to the Hellsing format or something? Seems an odd choice for a shounen anime.
That would actually be great if that's what they decide to go with, but that seems kind of unprecedented.
It's like an american season...that runs for 175 episodes instead of 26...
Seriously, so many of the problems with serial anime would be solved if they just used a seasonal format...
Oh, I wouldn't mind the wait. I'd actually know when we'd get our continuation, even. At least the re-run is happening now instead of in 10 years' time like HxH.
Sure she is weaker. Her ultimate form might be very formidable, but she doesn't have the mentality to be in it. She's too peaceful and friendly and more or less normally lacking the infamous Fairy Tail aggressive desire to seek out battle strength and get totally fired up when there's a fight to be had, regardless of consequences. There's a reason why she's nowadays the guild bartender. Sure, there're also some bad memories, but seeing how happy she's serving beer and not fighting monsters, that must be her true nature.
I thought her bartending job was due to Lisanna's "death", which shocked her into sealing her powers. Her encounter with Freed fixed that, so she should be pretty damn powerful still. Don't forget she served as the examiner in their S-class exam.
Assuming she's trained for this tournament as badly as any of the other guys did (more or less), she should be pretty strong in her own right.
You didn't really refute anything at all I said. Her basic nature is peaceful and jolly. She sought refuge by being a bartender and an all around gentle big sister for everybody back at their guild hall. After getting "cured" she continued the exact same life style. Even her fight in this tournament was 95% pin-up and then a one-hit strike. The S-class exam doesn't either count so much because it's, despite everything, a friendly event (or as friendly as anything can be in Fairy Tail) inside the guild.
I'm not saying she's not strong, but I'm saying she lacks the enjoyment and thrill the others get from kicking ass and being rowdy. And that's the kind of attitude you need to possess in the ultimate team in a fighting contest.
Man, it sucks balls that the show is ending so soon :/
I want to know what Gildarts would have done in this tournament, if he wasn't off doing whatever he does on his journeys.
To all intents and purposes, she adopted that from Lisanna. I wouldn't go to say which of her nature is her "true" nature (demon Mirajaine or "peaceful" Mirajaine). Even without her powers she was readily pissed off at Laxus when he let Natsu steal that S-class quest from the upper floor.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
If "preferring peaceful methods vs readily wanting to duke it out to solve a problem" was the mentality you're referring to instead, Natsu (mainly) and Gray/Gajeel are pretty much the only other ones who fall into the "duke it out" category. It's a maturity thing, more than anything else. Anybody more senior to them in age gives me the impression that they too would take the peaceful route first.
That's not to say Mira won't fight (and fight hard) when fighting is the only option. She beat Freed to a pulp when Elfman was going to be killed. She Satan-Souled with Markrov and Erza after the 7-year skip against the harassing guild when negotiations broke down. She knocked Jenny out when she was put on the spot in the contest.
The S-class exam argument doesn't make sense. If anything, Mira would take it easier on her teammates than outsiders (she didn't though, and just went at them anyway). It makes no sense to try harder against your own members than oppressive outsiders.
Mira's at least as strong as Gajeel/Natsu/Gray in theory. The writer just doesn't want her in the picture because one strong female member is quite enough to focus on. Her fight on Tenroujima against Asuma was done while she was injured to give Erza the spotlight instead.
So what? If memory serves, she was a real punk as a kid. However, people change when they grow up, whether they adopted that change from others or developed it themselves. Serving as a bartender and doing occasional pin-ups for Weekly Sorcerer (or whatever was the magazine's name) is pretty peaceful compared to accepting the missions that seem to mostly involve fighting.
Uh... You already mentioned three out of five in the team... But let me add the rest: Erza is always kicking Natsu and Gray's asses when she considers them out of line. She doesn't try to talk to them, but either just intimidates them into silence or makes them suffer physically. And she's no slower to solve things violently when they are out to perform missions. She's just not as hot-headed as Natsu and Gray. Laxus is very proud of his strength and tried to reform the entire guild through violence. He now realises he was wrong about the meaning of a guild, but I doubt his personality changed nearly as much as merely his opinions. He's just the cool type that believes one should be so strong that nobody dares to challenge him rather than seeking every opportunity to fight like Natsu & Gajeel do (and Gray to a bit lesser extent).
Of course she does fight when she has to, to defend the guild, for example. She wouldn't be in Fairy Tail otherwise.
Well, it's true that the difference there is not so significant because this tournament is also an official place for fighting. I'm merely judging the willingness to go out and fight for her own enjoyment or benefit as opposed to obligation. Now, they would all be obliged to fight in this tournament, but if you also enjoy it, it's a big plus. The S class exam is no different than training and sparring, which is for the benefit of those she would test as well. It's inside the guild, and she would be in the position of a teacher basically. However, in this tournament she'd merely be crushing her opponents and making them lose. In the S class exam she's making sure her dear friends would be ready for the dangerous S class missions.
This argument is irrelevant and on this side of the fourth wall.
Her barternder and pinup job was chosen after she lost both her power and ability to fight. I figured she grew into her roles (which would be left open if she left, kinda) and didn't feel the necessity to leave it behind in order to do quests (which everyone else does anyway).Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Originally Posted by Kraco
Originally Posted by Buff
Glaring's a bit different. Erza's more level headed than that though, and wouldn't act like Natsu and charge into Sabertooth's den, for example. (she also stopped him from duking it out this episode). She beats Natsu and Gray up because it DOES work on them, and is the preferred method they'd "listen" to anyway. I put Laxus in the same boat as well. She bangs their heads together because it's the most effective method to get them to stay in line, not because she prefers those methods to less bloody ones.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Anyway, I started going down this path in response to that upper quote in case I had misinterpreted your lines. The point I was making here was that "willing to fight to solve a problem" came down to a maturity thing, rather than an indicator for power. Markrov, Mystogan and perhaps even Gildarts are other examples of strong characters who don't itch to sort things out with their fists.
I agree with you that Mira isn't pumped to fight Sabertooth like Gray and Natsu are. However, the point of the revised FT team is to pick the strongest members to go out and win this tournament, not to pick the most bloodlust so they can satisfy it.
Mira should be more qualified to be on that team because she is stronger, not someone like Gray because he has a stronger desire to feel Saber blood on his hands. That desire to fight doesn't make him stronger than Mira (which to me, seems to be what you're suggesting with the whole fighting spirit thing).
Originally Posted by Buff
That wasn't really an argument/point to support my stance but rather, it was an observation and a hypothesis to explain why Mira's been shown to take the 2nd-row seats in the guild when she should be equal to or better than some of the first-rowers.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Oh, now I know where we disagree: I'm rating the will to fight (bloodlust in uglier terms) much higher in importance in this case than you are. Because this is so stock shounen that sheer willpower and an unrelenting attitude basically decide half of the fights. We know Mira has lots of power, but will she keep fighting when she's beaten to a bloody pulp? We know the five people in the chosen team will. I'm sure Mira wouldn't want to lose and disappoint the guild either, but it goes beyond such conscious, superficial thoughts when you are spitting blood and gore and can hardly move anymore, yet aren't defending anybody' life but only doing it for sport. These chosen people, no doubt, would risk their lives just for the sake of the fight and wouldn't want to lose to anybody, not even to their own team mates.
If Minerva hadn't almost killed Lucy in front of everyone, I would have agreed more that Mira (probably) wouldn't try as hard as the current team.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
But yeah, now that you mention willpower trumps all, I'm reminded of my earlier comments in FT, where training and techniques didn't ultimately matter as much as sheer tenacity (and my annoyance at it).
Guess I'll concede here since Mira isn't going to fight anyway. :(
PS: did anyone else notice that Ichiya's perfume was like... rising from his crotch? Seemed more like pheromones to me. :p
Honestly I think Gray is the weakest link in the current FT team. But I'm guessing all of the characters that received 2nd Origin are probably the equivalent of S-Rank wizards now.
He doesn't get all the extended Dragon attacks and just seems to be making bigger and bigger frozen items. It's hard to track his skill or mana increase over time, so it honestly doesn't feel like he's that strong.
He can't eat ice either, so all the dragon slayers can recharge themselves while he's stuck with his own mana pool.