Naruto Shippuuden Episode 290
Naruto Shippuuden Episode 290: 480p | 720p | 1080p - HorribleSubs
I have some serious mixed feelings about this episode.
On the one hand, the action scenes and animation were amazing. Way better than anything we've gotten in the canon episodes in ages! That first battle with Kabuto is better than anything they've done in the entire 4th Shinobi War!
Which is of course the problem. Why the hell are they expanding all this amazing effort on this ridiculously out of continuity filler arc instead of the core series?!
Honestly, it feels like this was originally a movie, and then the theatrical release of the movie was cancelled and they're just airing it here.
And while seeing Hidan back is great, it's kind of baffling. He's already unkillable. You don't need to Edo Tensei him. Just stick his head on a body.
Also, there's no point in bringing Hidan back if you aren't going to have him talk! The stuff he says is the whole reason he's awesome!
I seriously have no idea what was going on in the second half. It felt like I was watching some other series.