Happy birthday! Keep up the good work and make sure to enlist more series for us to watch!
P.S. I'm both a ninja and a samurai.
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Happy birthday! Keep up the good work and make sure to enlist more series for us to watch!
P.S. I'm both a ninja and a samurai.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Sapphi!!
Happy birthday, Sapphire dear! Hope you visit sometimes and will eventually start posting regularly once you've reached the age to participate in the mature discussion that goes on here.
/brooklyn accent
ey dood happy birthday to ya!
/end brooklyn accent
grats on not dying for another year.... lets see if you can do that again.
Happy burfday saph!
Happy Birthday Sapphire!
Happy Brithday
Happy Birthday Saaaaph!
Happy Birthday!
Thanks everyone! ILU.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday.