[MangaStream] Naruto c.591: SendSpace | Online Viewing
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[MangaPanda] Naruto c.591: Online Viewing
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[MangaStream] Naruto c.591: SendSpace | Online Viewing
[Mangateers] Naruto c.591: Online Viewing
[MangaPanda] Naruto c.591: Online Viewing
so cheap...
If he knew all about this, why didn't he instruct some one to use the justu on him and then escape it and get the super body at that moment.
also, if he knows about it, doesn't it mean that it happened to someone else before? where is that super-immortal guy then?
The second hokage invented it.
If that's true why didn't the Second hokage break Edo Tensi and help the Third when the Third was fighting Orochimaru?
The only thing I can think that makes sense is it was a misstranslation. Someone interpreted it as Second Yokage when what it really said was something like "that persons younger brother". Meaning Madara's younger brother, not the First Hokages younger brother (to be honest Edo Tensi seems more like a Uchiha technique then something the Senju would use anyway). Then it would make sense that Madara would know a lot about Edo Tensi. However I can't read Japanese, so it's possible its just a giant plot hole.
He didn't break Edo tensei because he was being controlled by orochimaru? (obv)
Same reason zombiemadara waited till now to break it, because kabuto's grip is gone (obv)
the 2 hokages were completely controlled... but madara had semi-control no?
what the fuck is this shit?
Bored of the kages. What I'd really want to see now is Tobi going all "oh hells naw" against Madara.
Come on guys, Shisui's eye that Itachi put in Naruto will be able to regenerate its ability cause his Senju blood and will be able to counter Madara when he arrives.
I just turn off my brain when I start reading Naruto.
I guess you don't read bleach.... If you start to read bleach and get past the first couple arcs that are awesome then it will greatly improve your Naruto experience.
I read Naruto, One Piece and Bleach.
But I read them in this order... Naruto, Bleach, One Piece. Why?
Because Naruto can be good, sometimes really good but it can also be a little painful like last chapter. So I start with reading it so I can perhaps start with reading a good chapter that might put me in a good mood. Worst case scenario I am a little disappointed. Second I move on to Bleach which has a 50% chance of being crap, 45% chance of being disappointing and a 5% chance of being good. So it allows Naruto to feel much better!
Then I move on to One Piece which sometimes is not as good as Naruto but it's almost never disappointing and virtually never crap. In fact only about 1 out of every 100 or so chapters of One Piece sucks. Most of the time One Piece is fairly awesome almost every chapter in fact! So this way I can leave on a high note! And reading anything after Bleach is refreshing. NEVER save bleach for last and if by some chance Naruto and One Piece are on break and Bleach alone has a release wait a week.... never just read bleach.
Just a tip for people. lol
This was da poop! Though, I really liked that there was some reason pertaining to risk that the Impure World Resurrection was classified as kinjutsu. Madara saying "tell the summoner that he should exercise caution when using kinjutsu" was badass, and somehow made things a little better.
Don't think too hard about Edo Tensei. You could solve all problems in the world with invincible, immortal, omnipotent resurrected people. Like when someone dies, you simply resurrect them with the jutsu, then they cancel the contract, and you have now eliminated the very concept of death from the human race. You could have workers generating power from their infinite wells of chakra, so now energy scarcity is eliminated. Edo Tensei doctors can have infinite chakra to cure any injury short of death, and if you die you can simply be resurrected anyway. The only downside is if you have to sacrifice living people instead of doing the ritual on dead corpses, and I'm sure there are plenty of ninja who'd kill themselves to get a resurrected immortal body or to literally solve all the problems of the world.
Attachment 1303
The picture says it all.