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Muv-Luv: Why not?
Dakara Boku Wa, H Ga Dekinai....well that's a new one. A guy who can't feel any excitement at all?
Horizon S2: Totally
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica
Along with Seitokai, Kenichi, Sankarea, Queen's Blade, To Love-Ru Darkness OVA
I'm sure there will be others.
Wow, worst season ever confirmed? The only two SLIGHTLY interesting shows for me are:
- Muv Luv (because it sounds sexy)
- Sword Art Online (because I liked the concept for .hack)
And when I say "interesting", I really mean "the only two anime I could force myself to list". What´s up with all those stupid anime? And also all these historical Japan-anime? I´m so sick of historical Japan, sorry.
Only thing I´m really looking forward to is the second Berserk-movie. Well, and I guess it´s nice that Toshoukan Sensou is getting a movie, kinda enjoyed the one season it got.
Phew ... tough times for an anime-fan :-o
Thanks, Bill!
Muvluv; Yuruyuri; Sword Art Online; Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai; Tari Tari; Kokoro Connect; Ebiten; Koko naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!; Campione!
Koi no Senkyo to Chocolate; Binbou-gami ga!; Dog Days' (if I can ever finish the first season); Rinne no Lagrange (if I can ever finish the first season); Hagure Yuusha no Estetica; Natsuyuki Rendezvous; La Storia...
I wonder why there's so many new anime about their historical figures like Oda Nobunaga being resurrected or born as girls in alternative universes... not every anime can be like Sengoku Basara.
Any season with Sword Art Online is an awesome season. I hope it gets really popular and the rest of the novels are animated. I particularly loved GGO, though it is unlikely it would get included in this season.
muv-luv and maybe some others...
Two CodeGeass OAVs?
Moyashimon Returns!!! - About damn time. Finally, a much needed sequel to one of my all-time favorite series. If you have never watched the original, you can't even begin to comprehend why more series like this one should be made.
Horizon 2 - A must. The first series came into its own toward the end when the 6 episodes of intro/background ended and everything suddenly clicked. The depth of the universe they created is pretty awesome, and once you really know the 12+ prominent members of the main cast, you got a strong sense of the camaraderie. The character related jokes and pranks start to make sense, and the seriousness of how actual debate is treated makes this series special.
Dog Days 2 - The first series was dumb as shit. But despite that, and far more importantly, it was fun. I hadn't been able to enjoy an anime series in quite a while that doesn't try to make things serious and delve into the heady drama side of things, and just be enjoyable for its own sake. Dog Days provides that.
Lagrange 2 - Watched the first, will watch the second.
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica - I'm really intrigued by the idea that this series starts where most series end, and ARMS is a good animation studio. Sure they mostly due ecchi series, but they make series with high quality art.
Sword Art Online - Xel seems to really like it, and I enjoy Accel World, so I'll likely try it.
Muv Luv - Skintight uniform mecha girl pilots? Ryllharu is there.
Must watch:
Sword Art Online
Horizon II
Aruvu Rezuru(at least i will definitely check it out)|
Corpse Party OVA, Tales OVA, Dantallian no Shoka OVA
Will probably watch:
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai
dog days II
Rinne(just to see what will happen)
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica
Arcana Famiglia(if it won't be generic fujoshi targeted crap)
might watch if there is nothing else to do:
Oda Nobuna no Yabou
Chouyaku(karuta one)
i loved alicization so far, GGO would look godlike animated. I'm least interested in ALO arc animated.
I'm not sure if SAO anime will keep the atmosphere of novel.
I'll watch Sword Art Online and whatever else i feel like it.
0 interest this season apart from a few OAV here and there.
nothing screams "must check out" but will probably check at least one series out based on user comments after the first few episodes
but yeah was thinking it was impossible to be worse then 1-2 series per season, sad to be proven wrong
Like previously stated, this seems like a very weak season. At a glance, might have a look at Muv-Luv: Total Eclipse, Campione!, and La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
This season is the worst. There's nothing pretentious enough that i feel like i absolutely must watch it.
With that said, my to watch list:
Muv Luv
Sword Art Online
Dog Days
Horizon 2
Oda Nobuna
Hagure Yuusha
Lagrange 2
Aruvu Rezuru
Seriously, every season is the "worst ever" to a number of you.
Last season was great and I praised it as such when stuff got announced. This upcoming seasons seems indeed to be one of the worst. Usually, there´s a bunch of series that I´m not instantly interested in, but will keep an eye on. This time, everything looks so ... unappealing that I´m almost sure I won´t watch any of it.
You obviously never watched the original Moyashimon.
I have yet to encounter a bad anime season. This also has good stuff like Moyashimon s2 - a show I hadn't even watched a couple of weeks ago until Ryll pressured me into having a look, and I instantly judged it excellent. Aside from the obvious ovas there are also other second seasons such as Lagrange and Dog Days. Granted, they aren't as shiny as F/Z or something, but they should be okay for a few hours a week, and in the end that's all that matters. I'll also have a look at Sword Art Online, exceptionally, because I don't generally care for mmo themed shows, but I decided to try them again with Accel, which I then had to drop immediately due to the swine of a main character. I hope I can stick longer to Sword Art. I'll also have a look at Muv-Luv, solely based on the name and the fanart I've seen. And then likely a few more shows. I'll drop some, no doubt, but likely I will also keep some.
I think there is a tendency for people to categorize something as bad just because it does not fall in their preferred genre or theme. That is why when there is a season with few or none of their usual fare with high quality, it automatically gets branded as bad.
Will Watch
Moyashimon Returns
Sword Art Online
Horizon II
Lagrange 2 (for now)
Yuruyuri (need to watch the S1 though)
H ga Dekinai
Kokoro Concert
Tari Tari
Jinrui Shimata
Muv Luv
Oda Nouna