[MangaZone] Naruto c.576: Online Viewing
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[MangaZone] Naruto c.576: Online Viewing
Looks like Sasuke already prepares to be redeemed.
My god, this translation was painful to read... Hopefully a cleaner one comes out soon.
Sasuke is still just a winy little bitch.
That much is clear in any translation.
The translation fucking sucked.
But i get it i guess, Itachi good, Sasuke bad and gay for Naruto, Tsunade sucks.
Well Sauske/Itachi/Kages v. Madara should be badass at least.
Itachi isn't gonna make it to the kage fight. I bet sasuke just snaps and throws away the only easy hope of putting madara down by making itachi "feel" then disappearing as a result of his soul receiving "closure". Itachi will probably go on a monologue about naruto then rest all his faith in him then "rest"
Itachi was never even heading to Madara....he's heading to kabutoro to stop edo tensei
well that's probably the easiest way to stop Madara, but unless he's going to do some sort of genjutsu to force Kabutoro to dispell it, simply killing him will not stop the edo tensai.
I thought Kabutoro can`t cancel the technique...
"And Im a woman" lol, Kishimoto as sexist as ever, like you <3
Really hated Sasukeīs behavior, itīs as if he didnīt evolve at all. The exact same whining from a year or two ago. Guess they need to have some brotherly incest to make peace.
Regarding the "will of fire", I sure hope it doesnīt become magic-like shit like Haki in One Piece.
Itachi will just put Kabutoro in a genjutsu and have him cancel the technique.
Personally I think someone needs to give Sasuke a good bitch slap; for someone who's supposed to be a genius he's pretty stupid, all the time.
which is good for every one. I think most of the revived Ninjas are "good" and only fight because they are controlled by the enemy.
the few battle maniacs amongst them have already been dealt with, or will shortly be. If Kabutoro is killed, that would mean that Itachi is revived. and if Kabutoro was to be killed earlier, then Zabuza and Haku might have been back to life aswell.
I guess you could say that but then there is enel, and some other instances where it has already been hinted at but this is the naruto forum. I just want to see sasuke humiliated at this point. The most satifying scene in this manga would be watching him get wrecked by naruto and realizing the last ~3 years~ or so were a complete waste of time.