[MangaBurn] Naruto c.575: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
[MangaZone] Naruto c.575: Online Viewing
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[MangaBurn] Naruto c.575: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
[MangaZone] Naruto c.575: Online Viewing
I can't express how happy I am that they will not skip the Kage/Madara fight like they skipped the swordsman fight. I am also extremely happy that they are losing right now.
What a mess... keep focus on a fight and finish, having all this shit going down at once is confusing.
I hope Itachi just ignores Sasuke. That would show him.
At least he shows them crossing paths.
Did Kishimoto just remove Kabuto from plot importance? I mean, telling us so clearly that Madara-Hashirama is his trump card. Which means that thatīs his last trick. I had hoped for Kabuto to turn out being more than a temporary "player", bummer.
Kages are kinda pathetic, though. Yeah, Madara is powerful, but itīs too unbelievable witnessing how easily the fell victim to his jutsu. When you think back how Sandaime held up against two Kages and another Kage-level guy for his opponents ... I expected more. And why not, why didnīt the Mizukage use some lava-jutsu against the tree? Why is Raikage not simply jamming through Madara at lightning speed? This fightīs a bit too simple minded for being a fight between Kage-level ninjas.
Next chapter: Sasuke goes back to being full-emo-retard :/
RAAAAAAAAAAAAGHGGHGHGG Too much powerfully amazing stuff all at once, sick pro overload...... aahhhhhhhhhh next weeeeek next weeeeeek
OMG this guy above me continues to surprise with his level of retardom.
HE JUST SAID that his level of edo tensei surpasses anything before it. He fused the 1st hokage inside Madara, The only person to ever be stronger than madara. So.... how exactly are you surprised the two strongest ninjas of all time other than the rikoudo sennin are defeating just some ninjas that are simply the strongest of their village, not counting Tsunade considering Naruto is clearly stronger.
.....damn 13pg cock teases.
I hope itachi gives sasuke more than a stern talking to, he better mop the floor with him. Speaking of which its about time we see itachi pull out some more MS techs. Their first fight was so watered down. I hope this time he realizes that sasuke needs to be stopped and actually tries to kill him. Speaking of people who need to be killed, Madara needs to kill at LEAST 3 hokage here. It would be good to see some good guys die for the sake of pumping up a villain for the story. I mean these guys are gettin WASHED right now, but Naruto SHOULD be able to do some damage here. There just needs to be a more believable big bad enemy. The only one really holding their weight is the Tsuchikage. That old dude is badass, but he was just recently introduced its time for some guys to drop for the sake of progression. Madara doesnt need to seem invincible at this point just more menacing. The only problem is that madara being all undead might be able to use izanagi indefinitely. I mean impure resurrection does remake destroyed body parts....I hope that doesnt happen >_>
-tsunade dies
-tsuchikage dies
-naruto becomes hokage
-sasuke gets a ridiculous and miraculous change of heart after meeting naruto in their final confrontation (I hope that one won't happen but...)
-itachi eats kabutoro and blows up
Not necessarily in that order.
I'm going to be so annoyed if that happens, some bad guys, yes they can be a little redeemed. Itachi; no problem he wasn't really a bad guy after all. Nagato, yep redemption that's fine. Even Kisame, It's ok that he ended as not quite as bad a guy.
But Sasuke has already proven that he's completely insane, tried to kill Sakura, attacked the five kage summit and just generally been quite horrible for a huge chunk of the story. The only way he can be redeemed is if he actually dies to save Naruto or something.
I like this one. He'll probably cry like a baby after being gay-loved by Naruto with hugs and their finger pinky-crossed. Then he'll cry even more, takes out his own 2 eyes, sasuke will be blind, and gives both mangekyou eyes to Naruto.
And then Naruto has Mangekyou sharingans, but with 9-tails power, Naruto will awaken the Rinnegan and genjutsu max power just like Shisui's level of genjutsu.
Then Naruto becomes the most powerful Hokage ever...with super Yellow flash speed, Rinnegan + mangekyou, completed Rasengan 100%, and 9-tails power version 3!!!
Just as Aizen planned.
agree with toonice714. I think now only Itachi can help Sasuke and get him out of the hatred. I think it is meaningless to fight to the leave village, also, I want to see more of naruto 576 in manga.