A new mobile phone carrier in France with very nice plans...
I've been zombying the intrawebs for hours since the announcement last Tuesday
Here's an article:
I never thought that an article would be written for people outside the French language zone.
But unlimited data plan (3GB Fair Use)
Unlimited Voice to land and mobile phones
P2P, tethering, newsgroup, you name it uses allowed
All of that for 19.99€ was apealing enough to get you an article :D
Even more when you know that competitors all are somewhere twice that price and more for less appealing plans.
And last but not least, there's also a 2€ plan for 60 minutes voice and 60 sms. After 60 minutes, the minute is 5 cts... so each hour is "only" 3€. It was not mentioned in the article.
So you know, I had this internet provider from the beggining, converted my parents too. Had to change because at my new appartement, DSL speeds were too low.
But now I know what my new mobile phone carrier will be in the months to come.
After all, my plan is 72.5€ for only 4 hours and 2Go FU, no tethering...