[HorribleSubs] Fairy Tail 95 - 720p mkv: Torrent | DDL
[HorribleSubs] Fairy Tail 95 - 480p mkv: Torrent | DDL
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This episode made the Lisanna-fan in me very happy. It was kinda hard not talking about this for the past few months... specially after that uber-spoilerish ending. I'm surprised no one deduced it when the Lisanna-song-ending premiered.
Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza and Wendy imitating fapcat is pure win.
Based on the preview we will get some filler material from Edolas. That's not good. I hope it'll be short.
Lisanna should have some getting used to after spending two years in Edolas. Especially with those members she didn't yet know from earlier times in Earthland, like Juvia.
Damn you Fairy Tail! Keep getting me all emotional with you sad moments! ;_;
Totally loved everything in this ep, the whole crew doing the fap-cat move, Gajeel and Panther Lily's interactions (Lily's deep voice on that tiny body is just awesome).
That damn music gets you emotional everytime, even when something really isn't that sad.
Fapcat's been immortalised XD
Right at the end when Mira smiled - I was expecting that evil smile that indicated she reverted back to punk-Mira. It just looked that like, but I'm all for having her as she is.
But yeah, Lisanna... hot damn.. :P Not sure how a normal-thinking girl would work in the crazy "Strongest team" in FT.. Lucy's always been the sole point of reason - and only for comedic effect at that.
Filler Edolas material. That can be hopeful at least, since they really can't stuff it up since Kraco's comment suggests that the manga doesn't address that regard after Reverse Anima. I recently learned that that racing episode was a filler too - I wouldn't have figured. Dragon-machine Filler put a bad name out there for it.
The racing episode was fun. The Dragon-machine filler was dumb as hell.
Lisanna was already part of Fairy Tail, and for longer than Lucy. She probably already fits on the crazy atmosphere.
Sure she does but for two years she got used to reverse personalities. While she will probably quickly forget them for those she knew from the old times, like Natsu, it's a different story for people like Juvia she has only known from Edolas. She will need to learn their quirks from zilch and to forget what she already knows to boot. That's all I was saying.
Well that's true.
Speaking of Edolas... the anime made it seem as if Lucy and Juvia were already a part of Fairy Tail before Lisanna was transported to Edolas. I didn't quite like that small addition the anime made.
If you are talking about the Edolas Fairy Tail, that would only make sense. Fairy Tail was the last guild. Either you were a Fairy Tail mage, you were the king's loyal subject, you weren't a mage - or you were dead. Those were the viable alternatives for mages in Edolas. So where else would Lucy and Juvia have been?
As emotional and touching as this episode is, the writing is, frankly, total bullshit.
It's like, here's the explanation of what happened, and it only required about a dozen ridiculous coincidences to have happened.
Best part of the episode is Garjeel getting his cat!
Both of them.
In both situations they're like, "Here's what really happened" and you're immediately like, "I can think of at least 4-5 plot holes that explanations creates".
But then they're like "It's okay! We have an explanation for each of those plot holes!" The only problem is, each of those explanations is stupid.
It's like:
"I'm actually Earthrealm's Lisanna!"
"Wait, how did you get here when they watched you die?"
"A tiny pocket Anima that has never been mentioned before and looks nothing like the anima established previously!"
"So why didn't you come into conflict with Edolas Lisanna!"
"She died at like the exact same time I arrived and happened to almost be killed myself!"
"That seems like a ridiculous coincidence..."
"Well, it's cause the MAGIC was trying to replace her dead ass with me!"
"So why didn't you talk to us before?"
"Because I didn't want my fake brother and sister to be sad even though back in Earthrealm my real brother and sister were still emotionally devastated because they thought I was dead! Apparently I care more about my new siblings than my old ones!"
You do know that Lisanna's 'death' scene was anime only... right? Lisanna's fate was never fully revealed in the manga. The scene where the berserk Elfman punches her wasn't in the manga.
The explanation of how she took the other Lisanna's place was also anime only. The manga only said the other Lisanna died falling from a cliff.
And heck... the anima doesn't need to be explained. Do remember Edo-Jellal, aka Mystogan, has been in Earthland for a while. He did save Wendy's life.
It's true Lisanna getting sucked in by a microanima would have been more believable if we had earlier heard rumours of mages disappearing without an explanation. However, from the beginning this series has been incredibly episodic and the lack of foreshadowing is its trademark.
I already thought I wrote a sufficient psychological explanation for why Lisanna couldn't say anything. I guess it didn't convince DE at all. I personally think it tells a lot about her personality that after two years of fighting for her life alongside the Edolas Fairy Tail she couldn't just suddenly say: "Screw you, guys, I'm going home. You keep fighting on your own."
And there was no way for Lisanna to know that her siblings hadn't gotten over her death. (whether they've "gotten over it" is debatable) - all she knows is that the ones she knows right now will be said if she does anything. Furthermore, until the reverse Anima was activated - there was no known way back. Even Mystogan had no idea.
I guess the part that made me cringe the most in DE's post is that he described Edo-Elfman and sis as "fake".
No, how the fuck would I know that?
So instead of having ridiculous explanations the manga has...no explanations at all, and just expects you to...what...fuck off and accept it?
If it didn't unfold the way the anime shows, then it makes even LESS sense. So, Elfman went berserk and she just suddenly disappeared and they just assumed she was dead, and worse, that Elfman killed her somehow?
"I don't see sis anywhere, the only logical conclusion is you disintegrated her while you were berserk and I apparently missed it somehow!"
Well, they aren't her "real" Brother and Sister. Not Real = Fake. She's not really their sister.
I'm not saying they aren't real people, but the sibling relationship between them is absolutely fake.