I'm 25 and I'd fuck a... (oh wait, illegal here, and most other places too)
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I wasn't using a "mod voice", I'd rather read a genuinely funny story about his friend than a lazy description of it.
I guess what I meant in your language was, "cool story bro"
Dude, we get it. You're a pedophile. Stop advertising it...
Well, it is a moot point now...It got canceled :\
It is called 'tender love', not pedophilia..
It's called Minicon.
Did you just say "cool story bro"? God you are such a *expletive*.
I'm a lolicon (2D only) and hebephile, not a pedophile.
For the average population, they think that anyone who goes for members of the opposite sex lower than 16 years of age are pedophiles (unless they are 3-4 years older than the party). Most of this population will argue that anyone under the age of 18 are off-limits to adults (~20+).
If, strictly speaking, shinta|hikari is only interested in anime/manga girls, then it is safe to say that he is a borderline pedophile (couple steps away from being a danger to society). If his hebephilia is applicable to real-life girls, then he is, indeed, a pedophile. No if's, and's or but's.
Shinta's loliconism is applicable to anime/manga girls. His hebephilia is applicable to real-life. He's specifically stated that. And saying his attraction to prepubecent anime/manga girls makes him a borderline pedophile is like saying the love of killing people in video games make you a borderline murderer.
I thought you said hebiphilia at first.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta
You do have a point, but I think I still stand corrected.
If people can't differentiate between their hobbies/interests with real-life, then, in a sense, they are borderline murderers, pedophiles, etc.
It would take a lot of mental insanity to "break" someone into not being able discern reality and imaginary, which is why I would call this position as "borderline".
Fucking weirdos
It's only "biologically sound" in the sense that its possible to get a ten year old girl pregnant. Actually doing so wouldn't be a good idea under any circumstance.
If that's how you define "borderline", fair enough. Generally speaking, when people talk about borderlines, they're talking about something of the magnitude borderlines separating manga panels, not of the one that separates North/South Korea.Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin
I don't see how it's good or bad from a reproduction point of view. Unless pregnancies at 10 have higher rates of miscarriages, deformities or still births etc, then I don't see how it's any better or worse than reproduction at 15, 20 or 25. I haven't looked this up, but if pregnancy is possible, I would imagine breast-feeding postbirth is also possible, so the baby won't starve neither.Quote:
Originally Posted by Janice
Only argument that I see could have a solid backing to it would be the effect the weight of a child would have on a growing teenager's backbone - but that's hypothetical (unless you can find something to back it up), and when I remember the weight of backpacks we had to carry in highschool, insignificant.
To direct this back to my intentions, I don't see any problem with your claim that it "wouldn't be a good idea under any circumstance" - just that I wish to clarify that I don't believe it to be a "bad" idea neither.
Yes, yes, and yes. The chances of all these occuring are several times higher than in a sexually mature adult. One of the main reasons is that mothers-to-be who are still growing must split their nutritional intake with the baby, resulting in the baby (and the girl, to a lesser extent) becoming significantly malnourished. Often times the pelvic area is not fully formed which can cause complications, too. Things get even worse when the mother is in a third world country where proper nutrition and medical care is unavailable.
You do know that "I stand corrected" means the same as "You are totally right and I am not", don't you? And for the record, I think hebephilia is kind of weird, but as long as it is not acted on upon women under the age of 16 or so, it is not my business. It can be difficult to ignore one's urges.