Woooo, Happy Birthday shinta!
Hope you have a great day man, cheers!
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Woooo, Happy Birthday shinta!
Hope you have a great day man, cheers!
Based on the description of your previous birthday party, it would be hard to make it any better, except by actually being drunk when wearing a blond wig and not only looking like it.
Have a good one!
Congrats Shinta. Have several lolis with a main dish of CC.
happy BURFDAY shinta. Enjoy.
Try not to get caught for statutory rape.
Otherwise, toast to you Shinta!
Happy Brithday!
and get a free loli.
Happy Birthday! Have a good one.
Happy birthday, have a nice one ;)
Shinta! Happy birthday, man!
Happy birthday dude/dudette.....hmmmmm Happy birthday fellow gotwoot member.
May you have legal bliss today, no funny stuff.
Edit: Shinta is a dude. I got it. Thanks for setting me straight.
Have fun man, enjoy being a gemini, two heads are better than one.
Go easy on them love pillows and have a good one
Happy birthday, shinta|hikari.
Congratz homez. Eazy on da 40oz and let 'em know who ownz da streetz!
Thanks everyone! I completely forgot to check my birthday thread so sorry for the late response.
I went tandem skydiving for my birthday. It was pretty crazy. I loved it.
I actually wore a pedobear shirt, but the instructor forced me to wear a jumpsuit on top of it because of the weather. It is quite unfortunate. I wanted to have a picture of pedobear conquering the skies.