Guess this is the right place for this.
I just wanted to post some gifs I rotoscoped.
here's the first one. It's 43 frames. It's from the opening scene to Hurt Locker, here's the source. There's a bit of a jump at it near the start, because at that part the camera changes angles, and I didn't bother with that and just pieced it together :\
And here is one I just did. It's 150 frames, but I recycled the last 3 so I only made 147. It's Bodie and Poot shooting their boy Wallace for snitching. From The Wire s1e12. I can't find a source video of it on Youtube, but the scene is actually pretty long, with a lot of back and forth between Wallace and Bodie. I cut most of that out, simply because I wanted to keep the work minimal and plus it's difficult portraying them as talking when there isn't sound and it's entirely a black line format.
I think it might move too fast...
I like making these because they don't really take any artistic talent. Just a lot of diligence..