Kinda sucks
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Kinda sucks
Sure, we all liked them, we all downloaded their releases, the quality was undeniable.
But this is in all honestly one of the dumbest things to post a thread about.
Eclipse reports life gets in the way. Dozens if not hundreds of groups have announced the same thing for the same reasons. Lunar, gg (multiple times), ANBU (once or twice), AnimeJunkies, Ayu, Anime-Keep, C1anime, CrystalNova, WannabeFansubs, anime.fin, mahou, most of them didn't even bother to make an announcement, they just sort of shut down. How is this any different from any of those groups shutting down (or "hibernating")? Where were the threads for those and other groups?
Fansubbing has first and foremost always been a hobby. Staff donate their time, and when they no longer have that time, they stop. Not really a big enough deal to justify an entire thread to it.
It's just a way to inform people in the forum that the group is shutting down, i don't expect any real discussion to come of it. I felt that the group was good and had been around long enough for it to warrant notice.
Also the fact that it seems to annoy you is a definite bonus.
Good to know, so I can download Amagami from UTW
lol, now im actually trying to come up with a nonsense-topic just to annoy Ryllharu :D
No good thing lasts forever. Fortunately no bad thing either, except for the North Korean government.
Quite honestly they had been dying for quite some time already, likely ever after they lost their primary translator(s). Their releases were slow and they even had some quality issues. So, this news was hardly surprising. As sad as it's to lose Eclipse, it might have been better this way than to try to resuscitate the group no matter what.
iirc I made a thread last Fall for when gg died or whatever. but yeah, groups come and go, someone will sub what they would've subbed.
i almost cried at reading the announcement