Episode 1(Underwater):
Edit: Took a while for a group to pick this one up O_o
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Episode 1(Underwater):
Edit: Took a while for a group to pick this one up O_o
Episode 1(Horriblesubs, 720p):http://dl.btjunkie.org/torrent/Horri...wnload.torrent
Episode 2(Horriblesubs, 720p):http://dl.btjunkie.org/torrent/Horri...wnload.torrent
Episode 3(720p):http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=145498
Episode 3(480p):http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=145497
Episode 4(Underwater, 720p):http://underwater.nyaatorrents.org/t...5D.mkv.torrent
Episode 5(Underwater, 720p):http://underwater.nyaatorrents.org/t...5D.mkv.torrent
Episode 5(Underwater, 720p):http://underwater.nyaatorrents.org/t...5D.mkv.torrent
Episode 4(Horriblesubs, 720p):http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=147218
Episode 5(Horriblesubs, 720p):http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=148867
Episode 6(Horriblesubs, 720p):http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=150531
I suppose im the only one still watching this =/
Nah, I'm watching this alright. How could I not? There just isn't that much to talk about. The plot is so nonexistent you have to use a magnifying glass to even see it, so only character development remains. And since they are pantsu loli witches, how much analyzation could the characters bear before becoming just as transparent as the plot?
I'm just enjoying the ridiculousness from episode to episode. And one of the two yuri pairings in anime I actually find myself supporting.
Which yuri pairing is it?
I loved Sakamoto in her white sukumizu. I hope we get to see it again soon.
Eila and Sanya obviously. (The other pairing in anime in general is Nanoha+Fate.)
Picking up where TheBladeChild left off.
[Underwater] Strike Witches 2 - 07 - 720p | 480p
[Underwater] Strike Witches 2 - 08 - 720p | 480p
[Underwater] Strike Witches 2 - 09 - 720p | 480p
[HorribleSubs] Strike Witches 2 - 07 - 720p | 480p
[HorribleSubs] Strike Witches 2 - 08 - 720p | 480p
[HorribleSubs] Strike Witches 2 - 09 - 720p | 480p
Only 12 episodes? Dang.
*downloads episode 11*
This 2nd series doesn't seem to have gone anywhere but fanservice land (not that I didn't like it)... lets see what episode 11 has to offer...
She'll recover in time for a 3rd season =P
Mio was using the sword for a long time and was already nearly depleted when she started. Yoshika used it only twice - if you count also the time she just held the sword in her hands in Mio's room. Add to that the fact Yoshika is the strongest witch shown in the series and I fail to see how she could be permanently dewitchified.
They way they explain it... it was because she didn't have a way to control how much magic the sword absorbed... and she used its strongest technique just like that, so it drained her.
But I insist... whenever they give the go for the 3rd season, she'll magically recover (using an ether, lol)
It didn't make any sense in general anyway. After a hard fight or practice they were low on magic and couldn't do much. But after a good night's sleep they would be again running and laughing. So, what exactly is that hazard sword doing? Altering the wielder's hormonal balance so that she won't be a witch anymore (since it looks like aging makes one lose the ability).
There's no theory whatsoever that would make the sword make sense so it wouldn't really be that hard to make a third season. Although personally if they did make a third season, I'd prefer it to present some of the other witches the franchise sports. I think we have already seen as much development as you can possible get out of these ones in a series as light as this.
So, for all I care Yoshika might have as well burned out all of her magic circuits permanently.
Trailer for the Strike Witches movie....
Kadokawa's official YouTube channel began streaming the 129-second trailer for the Strike Witches film on Wednesday. The film will open in Japan on March 17.