Renewal Scorecard: What's in? What's Out? What's in limbo?
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Fuck all that shit. I want to know when Always Sunny is coming back.
I'm surprised to see Fringe in the "safe bet" category... I guess they weren't expecting much rating-wise from it since it was competing against some powerhouses. People like the show, and the show has a lot of potential if it gets to syndication so that might be it's driving force too.
Lie to Me he also has in the "safe bet" category, which is also nice to see.
Smallville and Supernatural are a "sure thing"... good to see for Smallville, and seems like Supernatural might not be done afterall after the creator mentioned that he wanted to finish the story this season. We'll see.
Here's hoping they finally pull the plug on col case, i hate that show
Surprisingly (or maybe not so much) I like a lot of ABC shows.
I don't want to see the following shows go: Better off Ted
I'm glad to see the following again: Big Bang Theory, Glee, Community, Friday Night Lights, Biggest Loser
Will be sad to still see: The Vampire Diaries, Heroes (come on), The Middle, The Bachelor
Hope to see: V, Breaking Bad (not on the list, but amazing show)
Still going?!: Smallville, One Tree Hill, Ghost Whisperer, Scrubs, 3 CSI's, Survivor, Two and a Half Men, American Idol (I thought Simon was cancelling this shit, I guess he's just ditching it), Law & Order
I'm glad to see Castle on that list, though it's not really surprising considering how well the show is doing. Nathan Fillion is an awesome actor and i love the chemistry between the 2 leads.
I hated that show. But the acting was probably fine compared to my hate for the characters themselves, so it's a taste thing.
Ugh why can't Smallville just die, despite watching it weekly I find myself wanting it to end more and more each season. It's just not as fun anymore watching a character develop when you know what he could be and you know he will never be that because of the arbitrary restrictions of the show. It's like a television version of Zeno's paradox.
Supernatual not ending kind of bums me out for another reason. I thought this season was going to be it and they would tie everythign up with a bow and it would be awesome, but if the show is just going to continue there's less need for an amazing finale and I'd love to see how they'd top the current plot line but O am not very hopeful that they could pull off anything more believably final than what's going on now.
I hope Better Off Ted manages to get saved though, I just love that show.
I'm just glad Lost is still on. Everything else is expendable (to me, anyway). I've been watching Red Dwarf on Netflix obsessively.