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You first.
Services, iTunes, apps will be the key.
I feel like the user experience is incredible, but I'm still reserved about its size.
I might be wrong though, as it's nice for students, marketing guys, executives etc
It is what the olpc should be, bar the price of course.
seems like there's no cam, no video phone and no augmented reality?
we shall see
It's another gimmick for the tech-obsessed yuppies with nothing better to spend their money on. Now people can not pay attention while browsing or watching movies on a full color screen when they should be watching the road or watching where they're walking.
ITouch XLQuote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
iHate the silly i*something* naming trend Apple started.
I wonder what mr moderator would have to say about any other person who started a thread with 2 words
Anyway, this is the ipad
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Thanks Archangel.
It's troubling times when you can provide a better OP than a mod.
Anyway, I'm with Animeniax. I'm not really impressed with this thing, as it seems like something that's already been done; now Apple just has its logo on it.
I just hate how apple always leads in innovation in the tech industry. It's almost like a monopoly. Prices are way too high.
Thanx can quote wiki. props on that dude! Now maybe you can work on not acting like a douche.
Anyways, looking at apple's own marketing video it seems like an interesting device. But that just may be because i dont have an iPhone.....because it really does just seem like a larger version of the iphone.
I could see it being useful as simply a multimedia device (just like the iphone was) but im not sure if it can replace a laptop. Sometimes you need a mouse and physical keyboard. What if i wanna play a game, and need to use the keyboard for it....then you have half the screen being taken up by the virtual keyboard which would really annoy me.
Still, its cheap for its price (in the states atleast) so i could see it being something you'd get just to watch movies, or waste time in class, or -like nearly every other apple item- as a status symbol.
I dont know about the whole data thing though....wifi is kool cuz then it functions like a laptop, but 3G, while nice to have, will probably result in more idiots on the streets like Ani mentioned. Plus having a data plan on something thats meant for being on the internet will mean a crazy amount of money being spent on your next bill, so that will probably compensate for the price.
Also, one last thing....the lack of additional HD space is something that really pisses me off. 16 Gb on the low end model? wtf? If this think is supposed to replace your laptop then they really should've added a way to replace the HD or atleast upgrade it or something.
Yeah, this is what gets me. I can't really see anyone shelling out the money for this thing when its features are so marginalized.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
I found a blog post talking about a few nifty things you can do with it, but they don't seem worth the $500 minimum:
This one seems particularly relevant to Gotwoot, but even then...
I think you hit the nail on the head by calling it a status symbol.Quote:
One of my favorite cellphone applications is Mangadroid, which allows me access to thousands of manga titles, already organized by genre. The only problem? The controls on my screen are all squashed together, so trying to scroll to the side accidentally changes the page, and trying to enlarge takes me to an ad page. Frustrating.
The iPad gives the major comic and manga companies the opportunity to develop more user-friendly comic software, and move fully into the digital age. However, if comics are going to work on the iPad, there cannot be content embargoes, late release dates, and incomplete collections. Publishing companies need to embrace the technology fully, or leave it alone. A half ass effort to scrape some revenue from their archives without adding in new content will not be successful.
I'm with Archie on this one. It doesn't really help that I had ??? moments looking at the word iPad, then had to google around to find out exactly what it is. I would have had to do that anyway, but at least a good intro would have told me what I'm supposed to be looking for (besides whatever comes up under "iPad").Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
Flash memory HDDs are still expensive as. Any higher would just bump up the cost.Quote:
Also, one last thing....the lack of additional HD space is something that really pisses me off. 16 Gb on the low end model? wtf? If this think is supposed to replace your laptop then they really should've added a way to replace the HD or atleast upgrade it or something.
To me the iPad seems to be just a half-way mix between an iTouch/iPhone and a laptop.
Bigger for those who want a bit more usability than their Apple Smartphone, but lighter and thinner for those who don't need a fully functional laptop.
Is going halfway a good idea? I'm not sure. I don't have an iphone, and I don't care about bulk. It'll always be a laptop for me for a good while to come.
What I do like about this is that it easily fits into a shoulder bag. Conventional laptops are a killer on your shoulder like that, plus they take up 70% of the room, and the weight feels like you'll smash the damn thing.
Rather than a replaceable HDD though, I'm more concerned about an irreplaceable battery. Those things die out fast.
well the battery life is like 10 hours on it....and im assuming that means actual usage, not standby time. Hopefully it'll be easy/fast to charge, not requiring 5 hours to reach 100%....if we're really lucky maybe you can charge it through usb like with smartphones, but thats just wishful thinking....i have no evidence to suggest that is the case.
Sounds like you're signed up to buy one of these toys/status symbols.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
I hope it fails to deliver and people take a step back from these electronic time wasters and spend more time and money on stuff that matters.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Well, it does have it's own little target audience. The problem is, like Xan said, will such a device with somewhat marginalized functions sell.
This would be great for lectures. Ink is expensive, and having to take a trip the the library / wake up early to print off lecture notes for those lecturers who upload 1hr before their lecture is a pain.
Downloading the notes is the way to go.
A laptop can accomplish this, but writing notes over it using a pdf-modifer isn't as easy as good old pen and paper yet.
Tablet PCs could do it I think. But then there's the "bulk" issue.
But with (what I assume will be) a capacitive touch screen, you'll have to either get a special stylus, or use your fingers.
I agree. While not every piece of innovation may be a success, they are certainly leading (and charging for it).Quote:
Originally Posted by lilphatboi
Eg. Mac-mouse sucked, but the Magic Mouse looks to be really good.
I just discovered today the delight of typing up your notes during lectures. I type much faster than I write, so I can actually record everything the instructor says. Previous to today, I was struggling trying to write down everything she said, and her powerpoint outlines are sparse so you really have to write a lot. An iPad would not make my life any easier as writing with a stylus would be worse even than a pencil. Hooray for keyboard and mouse. And yes, that's a stab at the console gamers too.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I type faster than I write too, so a laptop is a bonus for me.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
It depends on your course though, I guess.
For some courses the lecturer just talks, and you have to remember as much of what he says as you can, whether it be via recording or notes.
For other courses (like mine for example), we a 6-slide per A4 sheet pdf file uploaded which is very comprehensive in it's own right. Sometimes I don't even bother going to the lecture. But when you do, and the lecturer adds something, or decides to explain a point that isn't very clear on the uploaded notes, it's a lot easier to write something to the side of the pdf and draw an arrow to it, then to have a word document up, write "Date/Lecture/Slide No. (notes)" to indicate where these notes are referring to.
Then you have to remember to pair up the document with the original notes when you study.
Maybe your uni isn't as prestigious as mine (*cackle*) but I've yet to have a course with details powerpoint notes. They all provide general outlines with bullet points. To ensure that students attend the lectures, all the meat of the material is presented in class, so you have to be there to write it down, or hope your friend takes good notes.
I was just thinking today that with my detailed note taking, I could start a business where I sell my notes for a class to other students. Not an original idea I'm sure, but still could be profitable and therefore worthwhile.
In that case, then the iPad would be useless for you.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Here's an example of the detailed notes I talked about:
With so many slides, it'd be a pain to index them all in a separate word document.
(We've got lecture recordings to boot , official ones provided by the university in audio only or audio + visual ;))
The iPad (with a freestyle pdf editor) would be great for jotting down quick notes and such.
I know this may sound silly, but the iPad is also compatible with a keyboard and mouse.
So for taking notes for an extended period of time, that might be the way to go as you get a kb and mouse for really cheap prices.
There's also the stand, to have the tablet positionned at a confortable angle.
I didn't mention the social status behind the thing, it sure will work too.
But it could still fail if the added functions/value in use aren't enough.