Mitsuru Adachi manga that started last summer. If not mistaken, it's a monthly manga so don't expect frequent releases, though the chapters themselves have about 30+ pages.
It's a track & field manga, which I haven't read from Adachi before. Mostly read boxing and baseball from him.
Story is about a family that returns to their former home, years after their eldest son died. The younger brother starts seeing his ghost, and the story ensues from there.
Nine chapters in, and not much has happened... so I don't know yet where this is going. He seems to be focusing a bit more in the comedy aspect of the story at the moment. I'll say this also... Adachi is obsessed with panty jokes.
Who's reading?
Being released by Mangadownloads:
Atsushi Ando (15) moves back to his home town with his family after 6 years. The story focuses on the fortunes and misfortunes he encounters in this town mostly due to pranks pulled by the ghost of his older brother, Hitsushi Ando aka. Q-Chan, whose death prompted the family to move away in the first place. The catch is, that only Atsushi can see his brother's ghost.