http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5064/003od.th.jpg http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/7905/004nq.th.jpg http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/6284/005ve.th.jpg
Two high-school girls share an apartment. Fun-loving Yamada Momo loves to spend any money she gets. Serious Madoka Suzuki scrimps and saves all the time. Madoka is saving her money to visit her grandfather in Germany. And Yamada? She wants to buy a scooter! But in the meantime they have to learn to live together.
Five chapters out by DBR and Ala Atra Scans.
A cute slice of life comedy series about saving money and living frugally (or trying to). Momo (age 16) is really energetic, a bit puppy like sometimes, and really sucks at saving any money. Madoka (age 16) is really good at saving, but definitely has some cute flashes when she gets all warm and fuzzy about saving money or seeing someone living within their means. She's the one with the nekomimi hair, which sort of comes off as trying too hard to make her cute, but quite frankly...it works.
The two are balanced by two friends who are both incredibly wealthy, one who tries too hard to prove that she's rich and usually over-reacts which backfires on her in a cute way, and another who is absolutely filthy rich but very mature and responsible. They have a third friend who really hasn't made much of an impression, but usually serves as a catalyst for making Momo spend all her savings.
A very light series that has plenty of fun moments.