Hhhhaaaapppppppppppppppyyyyyyyy Bbbbbbbiiiirrrttthhhdddaaaayyyy!
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Hhhhaaaapppppppppppppppyyyyyyyy Bbbbbbbiiiirrrttthhhdddaaaayyyy!
Happy Birthday KitKat ;)
Happy 27th KitKat!
OMGZ its the knitting queen's birthday! HAPPPPYY BURRFFDAYYY KIT :D!!!!!
Knit some cookies and bake em with lasers ;o.
We grow up (old for me) so fast. Happy birthday! :p
Have a Very Happy Birthday KitKat!!
happy bday! hughughug
hope its a good one! along with the next 364
best of wishes to a great gal.
hope you make the most of it!
Have a good one!
Very fitting the first (subbed) episode of Darker Than Black S2 was released this very day, as if to celebrate your birthday. I hope it will bring you back here more often.
Yay thanks guys! Y'know, maybe this is weird, but one of the things I really look forward to about my birthday every year is my birthday thread here (it's 7am, and I came here with a big grin on my face, knowing that as soon as I woke up there'd be a birthday thread waiting for me). I think it's one of the special and awesome things about gotwoot that you take the time to celebrate everyone's birthdays. So cheers to you my friends, I love celebrating with you!
Oh my gosh, BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! *dies of happiness*Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I unfortunately have to go to work today, but I made a cake to bring in and eat with my coworkers. I also had some friends make me a surprise cake on Wednesday, and last night I had my "official" birthday celebration by going to see the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra playing music from Final Fantasy. Such a great concert! Nobuo Uematsu couldn't be there (alas) but he recorded a short video message that they played right before intermission.
happy birthday, girl
the source of all things good, clean, and made of fabric.
Happy bday! Wow time flies.... only seems like yesterday I was looking at your last Bday thread.
Gosh I feel old :(
Happy Bday again!
*tackles* how do you like it!? You and your constant tackles. ;D
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Kitkat!
Happy Birthday :D
KitKat, you are a really awesome lady and I hope you have a really nice birthday.
Happy birthday girl! You better enjoy!:D