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Nice chapter, with some good action. Though, I would have loved for Sasuke to get beaten in one hit. :p
I can't imagine who would actually win in a fight with the Kages' bodyguards. Just my opinion, I think the Earth would come in last follow by the Sand, the Mist, the Leaf and the Cloud would come out on top. But personally, I would like for the Mist's bodyguards to win.
And Temari looks even hotter :p but yea, good action, and the Cloud's complementary techniques work very well, but the Raikage looks to be a monster!
The Raikage would have to be a monster for Killer Bee to look up to him. Not talking just being a brother thing, but in pure skill.
Also Mizukage is still as hot as ever.
Originally Posted by Prof. Chaos
If the current Mizukage has a fuck genjutsu, I wouldn't mind being trap as long as its with her.
mm suigetsu's sword broke.. and here i was hoping for him to fight that other mist swordsman... maybe they're still fight and suigetsu will win and take his sword.
lol, the samurai was impressed with all the ninja stuff.. they really do seem pathetic xD but then again it is a pretty top-line battle going down.
"You should really make me king of all ninja. it's all for the good of you, anyways, it's not like I want it at all. it's the best for everyone, if only you'd understand why I feel so strongly about this... see how important it is that you make me ninja-king? it's so important that it made me take control over the peacemaking samurai, and by using a technique I've stolen from a fallen comrade who died in suspicious circumstances which I might have created. do you now understand why it's so important that you give up all checks and balances of the ninja villages? why can't you rise above yourselves and see things objectively through my eyes?"
the battle itself a real cock-tease, I'm all pumped up to see Sasuke kicking the bucket, and he still doesn't take a hit. god dammit. also, what's with the translations lately? was it only an illusion? or was Sasuke wrong, I can't get a thing.
speaking of which, what did Gaara ask them hokages? I can't make sense of it.
I think Gaara basically meant "When did you all lose your compassion/sell out/became monsters?"
I'm glad no one is putting up with Danzo's horseshit. It's looking like his plan to get the Jounin of Konoha to accept him after the council of Kages recognized him as Hokage is going straight to hell. If this series is anywhere near its end in terms of story points left, I think we'll see Naruto as the next Hokage, even if it's just in name while he studies to gain the skills to effectively run a village and command troops.
Sasuke is turning out to be the stupidest character of any series that takes itself seriously. This kid has had puppet strings on him since we've met him. First Itachi's, then Orochimaru got his on there, and now Madara's. Madara needs to be able to control Sasuke like he said to Zetsu after Pain's fall. By causing Sasuke to make an enemy of everyone in the ninja world (which is working quite nicely), the only ones Sasuke'll have to turn to is Madara and Akatsuki. I can't think of another logical way for Sasuke to come out of this alive. The only option would've been if Sasuke was able to gather forces for himself and make himself a warlord of sorts, but again, Sasuke's made no friends other than the members of Taka. And he's lost most of the ones he had in Konoha. His character became kind of pathetic after Itachi died.
Wasn't his goal to collect all the swords? He didn't seem all that shaken up about having his dream/goal broken like that
Hahaha, so trueQuote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
The Raikage and his subordinates are on point with this shit. I love how they're confident too that they can take these guys 3vs2 right now!
I hope Juugo can do something impressive in his bloodthirsty mode though and actually put up a fight. A fight really needs to be put up here for me to not be angry if the Cloud ninjas lose.
I'm also upset that Kishi's shitty foresight (or lack of actually thinking what he wants the story to be like) kinda sets up Kakashi as a weak Hokage if he ever becomes it. Kakashi is indeed powerful, but he hasn't elevated to the next level yet. Even with Mangekyou, unless he has improved on that technique, he still isn't at a level where he could defend Konoha vs. Akatsuki (besides maybe Hidan, were he still alive). Whereas with the Raikage, it's already obvious that he is no joke, and he probably would have been able to beat like Kakuzu 1v1. We can base that simply on his speed and power alone.
I think Kakashi is more then able to defend konoha from akatsuki, cept Pein was just.... well fucking Pein, and so far madara seems to be untouchable to anyone. But besides those 2, I'm sure Kakashi could've handled all of the other ones.
Wasn't Kisame kicking Guy's ass with like a third of his strength or something like that?Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
My point is based on the fact that Kakashi has fought members of Akatsuki already and has not "handled" them. With Deidara, Naruto was there (eventhough he was being a dumbass) and Deidara did not have enough explosive clay to really fight the way he would have (which we saw when he fought Sasuke). With Kakuzu, he didn't pop out the Mangekyou, but he was also not alone in that fight. I doubt that Kakashi would have been able to overpower Kakuzu in a 1v1 situation.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
I feel that for the most part, most Kages should be able to take on a member of Akatsuki 1v1, excluding Pain and Madara mostly. If a kage does not signify at least the strength to defeat most other non-kage ninjas, then what is the point of putting emphasis on it? Hell even Gaara probably would have won against Deidara if it wasn't for him protecting the actual village. The best example is Jiraiya. After seeing him fight in Sage mode, it became kind of obvious that Jiraiya was strong enough to defend Konoha vs. any member of Akatsuki (barring Madara). Even Pain admitted that if Jiraiya knew his secret, he would have lost. Kakashi needs to be at least as strong as Jiraiya!
My point is that Kishi needs to write a few more fights where Kakashi elevates his status to Kage level before actually making him the Hokage if he intends for that to happen. If not, he's just setting up Kakashi as high-level fodder, which is lame as hell.
Kakashi defeated 2 out of 5 Kazuku heart.
(with minimal help from ShikaInoCho)
Kakashi does seem pretty weak. His fights really lacks finesse.
Now if, he is able to summon as many giant dogs as Naruto summons frogs, he might have a chance.
This chapter was pretty dense and wordy without much actually happening. The dialog at the bottom of page 9 is pretty indicative of the whole chapter.
Karin (hiding): I can't do anything since that guy is looking for me. I better hide my Chakra.
Suigetsu: I bet Karin can't do anything because she's hiding. She's hiding her Chakra. She can do that. Hide her chakra, I mean. It's one of her abilities.
Juugo: Yes, it seems that guy is looking for her, indeed. I will attack him now.
Also the entire interaction between the Kages seemed really weird to me. Did anyone else notice that? I just hate superfluous uses of filler words like "moreover" and "however" and "even if you say that..." that anime tends to employ. None of what they were saying seemed really important.
Kakashi was alone in that fight, in fact, it was 2 on 1 remember, hidan and kakuzu where doing all kinds of team attacks against him. When naruto arrived he simply wanted to fight him alone, and heck Hidan was destined to be defeated by shikamaru. Still they failed in defeating kakashi even before the rest arrived.
Kakashi has never been pushed so much that his own technique offed him, this only happened with Pein. In the other fights he never even used mangekyou, that's as if Itachi fought him the first time without tsukiyomi, it would've lasted MUCH, MUCH longer I can assure you.
I also think it is highly unfair to want jiraiya level power from anyone just so they can be a leader. So far we've only seen a few nin with godly level power. Which pretty much were only salamander Hanzou, sandaime Sarutobi and Pein and after that we have Minato, jiraiya, 3rd kazekage and (non-sick) Oro. We don't know too much about madara and shodai so I wouldn't know where to place them.
But really in Kakashi's generation I really don't see anyone being stronger then him, perhaps Killerbee, but for konoha there really isn't anyone better atm imo.
This chapter was better than the last one at least! The cloud jounins proved to be badass like I had hoped. I like how the black cloud jounin totally changed from a polite guy to a complete badass on the field. The way he switched from a water to a lighting justu was sweet.
Sauske needs to get his head outta his ass man! His fighting potential drops by leaps when hes in emo mode. He always rans in face forward and he ups almost getting sacked by the cloud nins. This is like the fourth time his comrades had to get him outta trouble. On the other hand, he is fighting against "Top Flight" ninjas with awesome time work skills...But anyway its gonna just get better and better from here.
What I wanna see happen next chapter:
Raikage whoop some ass!
Madara talk to about Sasuke!
The Stone Kage break his hips!
I really don't think Kakashi is going to become Hokage right now. There's no room in the story to let Kakashi shine, unless the story somehow gets extended. I personally think Kakashi is on par with members of Akatsuki: A sharingan and access to at least four elements and supposedly thouands of techniques puts him there. Combined with his brilliant battle sense, that is. That Mangekyou eye technique probably makes him one of the stronger ones. If he could've baited Kakuzu into getting caught by that technique, that would've been the end for him, much like it was the end vs. Naruto's Rasenshiruken.
That's besides the point though. They're building Naruto up. FINALLY they've given him controllable power. FINALLY, he's accomplished something public enough to gain recognition other villages, at least with regards to his combat abilities. FINALLY he's getting some real character development since before the time skip. He's actually a main character now. Furthermore (sorry Xan) the development he's getting seems to be aimed at him coming to a conclusion on how he's going to change the ninja world. This combines with his natural ability to make friends/gain respect/gain allegiance from even the most hostile of people. So much thought and effort is being put into gearing Naruto up to become a leader.
And now, Kakashi is going to be made Hokage? No way, I don't see it.
Forgive that. It's the writer doing two things: 1) Emphasizing that the Council is NOT ok with what Danzou pulled, and 2) giving us more insight into the viewpoints of the kages with relation to the moral dilemma Naruto's facing. It lets us know a good deal of what he's up against and what he's got going for him if he decides he's going to try and change the world. Maybe it was done poorly (I actually think it was done alright) but it was a good idea.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Looks like Zabuza Sword can be beat.