Manga: Knights
From OneManga:
Knights is a shounen manga tale about squire Mistletien, called 'Mist' for short. Taking place in a medieval world in which the church and her representatives are burning people en masse on suspicion of witchcraft, Mist and his organization are taking a stand against the church and the 'Saints' who are perpetuating the witch hunts. Mist is feared and hated by the village-folk because of his appearence, wearing a mask to disguise himself and going by the moniker 'The Black Knight.' He travels with Euphemia, a young girl who is as expert with mixing potions and poisons as Mist is with a sword, and together they rescue those who are to be executed on suspicion of witchcraft.
-Knights and Whichhunts
-If only the Euphie in Code Geass was this hot.
OneManga link:
Read up through the first volume, definitely a good series. It does sort of throw you things in there though, like how Nina came to be traveling with the knight with the cat on his shoulder. He just sort of showed up out of nowhere after she made it to the gates of the town where Mist had just killed the armored Saint.
The series reminds me of my favorite arc thus far in Berserk, so I'm definitely going to be following this one.
- I like how Euphemia's hat is a hand in a victory sign.
Lol didnt notice the victory sign hat until now, I was too busy noticing her "other" features...
hahah Mist kind of looks like me! But seriously, its a pretty good read. Interesting how they assume that dark skinned people are the devil. I'll probably keep up with this one.
And does Euphemia..err screw people into submission? This is pretty twisted stuff!
first volume is a bit weird. I'll try reading it again tomorrow.
the art goes from semi-berserk style (the 'cut five people in a double spread' looks very similar) to sketchy. and the fact that he has special samurai moves really doesn't sit well with the 'European Knighs in big armor" shtick.
and also, african fellows don't look like that.
Yea, my gf said he just looked like a white guy with dark skin, but eh...I think this is the 1st manga I've gotten her to read!
I had tried this a while ago and I couldn't get into it... might try again seeing that some of you seem to like it.
ph. caught up to chapter 17. still a meh series.
I have trouble telling apart the characters and their shticks, and the battles still aren't that good (using a sword as a hammer once is cool, doing it every other chapter is retarded).
also, evil organizations are actually the same thing. it was earth all along. and how many black knights are there anyway? unless you're going to cheap out and make him a painted black guy.
and, screw nina, she's a slut.
Nina is just an idiot, Euphemia is definitely a slut. I think she defeats her enemies by spreading STDs.
But Euphemia is a hooker with a heart o' gold!
Seriously though, Nina is annoying. She's weak-willed and easily tricked back into the faith. Euphemia probably is the only one who fully understands Mist. At least so far, she has always trusted and believed in him, apparently since they met.
While she might be a total slut (proud of it too!), she certainly seems to like Mist quite a bit more than to simply have sex with him. He won't even look at her naked, and while I imagine he already has a pretty good idea given her usual "clothing" of choice, she tries multiple times to get him to look. Euphemia could easily just hit him with a potion and seduce him, but she intentionally avoids getting him involved, and seems to want to get him to come to her the traditional way.
I agree with DBZ though, using the hammerstrike every battle after they first revealed it is getting a little stale. Seeing something like him twirling around to the opponents back to make a huge slash or going in through an armpit to split them in half would be a very welcome change of pace. A number of Mist's opponents who he took out with the hammerstrike weren't even armored!
Ah, now I remember why I didn't give this a try...the group scanlating it seemed to be doing a really poor job editing the pages and cleaning the raws, and it put me off. Do they improve eventually?
They're not that great, just below the level of Janimes earlier works (Goong, Hot Blooded Woman) in terms of scan quality, but not as good at cleaning and leveling. Their typesetting has improved from the beginning chapters.
does anyone in the series have a non-tragic childhood? no? no one?