Challange for those willing.
I am Black wolf, 23 and there is an anime series I watched when I was about 9. Only ever saw one episode. But I will write the details of the episode I watched on here. If you can tell me the anime series it went to I'd love you forever. I don't know much about the Series as a whole but I'll do the best I can with the memories I have had since I was 9. I only remember about 15 minutes or less of the anime as it is. sorry if it seems impossible to tell what anime it is from my bad memory.
four maybe five people riding in a open topped car. two women and a few men, well not really men, they appeared to be kids in a way. young. a woman i believe was driving the car. another holding one of the young men in her arms as he was bleeding. he had been shot. he coughed every now and then. the car bounced up and down. they spoke in english but its been to long since i saw the episode to remember exatally what he said. so it was dubbed. the woman holding him teared up. if i remember correctly he had been stabbed or shot. the world in this anime seemed alot like ours. they were traveling though what seemed to be a desert, they were racing back to town, or maybe it was just thier hide out. well the boy dies. and thats the last thing i remember of that anime.
i know its not much to go on. if i were better with words i could probably discribe it better. :( i'm sorry if no one is willing to help me figure out what anime this was. i've been trying to for the past 3-4 years. i have watched over 160 diffrent series to find it, but have had no luck.
Thank you for reading this post. I do not expect a reply. Again Thank you.