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HaHa, Hiyori is awesome as always.
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So if the Vaizards can only keep their mask on for three minutes, why did they wasted it on the lowly gillians? It doesn't make sense Kubo.
OMG...did ice-chan need all those panels? Geez, I thought we were gonna see a one-on-one chapter. Why not stick to one thing and resolve it, then move to the next thing! /rant
And Soifon is a bitch
He looks shocked to see his Kido powers are also useless.
That chapter went by really fast ... wow.
I want to see Gin fight, been so long and I like his smiley character.
you know, when facing someone with such power, you might want to actually do the whole incantation thing and get a 100% out of the spell, you fat, lazy, slub.
I really want Hiyori to really smack Hitsugaya down, make it clear that he is not equal to her.
I liked the interaction between Hitsugaya and Hiyori. :p
There was one vizard that can maintain the mask indefinately. I forgot her name, but its definately not Hiyori.
I remember it being the one with the mask that looked like the Fly-man.
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We got this awesome translator for this chapter called mankai. This shit is hilarious, makes the whole chapter worth reading
Originally Posted by Archangel
well. no.
a use of thesaurus is allowed once in chapter, not one in every damn sentence.
the entire thing reads like an abridged chapter, "that's the way the cookie crumbles"?, "ain't that a shame"?
also, somehow managed to make the Tousen conversation even more complicated than it was.
"that's the way the cookie crumbles" was just too fucking epic, i laughed my ass off
Too bad it wasn't to your tastes, but you could at least admire the superior cleaning job