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Well, that most certainly downplayed Madara as the Mizukage and making Danzou look more like Madara.
It made some of the other kages look kinda weak sauce. There's another chick, though. I wonder if she's a grandma in disguise as well.
Mizukage is freaking hot.
Also that hint with Orochimaru leads more towards Danzo and Mandara being linked. Maybe some failed experiment left him in split bodies.
Yeah seriously, the Mizukage's inner thoughts revealing Feminist ideals really confuses me. I wonder what's up with that.Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin
I do love that she's a woman though. Naruto needs more strong female characters. Also I like that that Chojiro is one of the 7 Mist-nin swordsmen. He seems to have turtle-like qualities.
The other guy's haircut must be popular in the Mist village. Isn't that Kisame's hairstyle?
This was a nice chapter overall. I liked the buildup and the establishing of new characters. It makes me wonder how all the Kages regard one another. Do they squabble? Do they respect each other?
Ooh, Mizukage is HAWT, move over hinata I've got a new favorite now :3.
Seriously though, killing Anko? Danzou has some balls.
Mizukage - hot - yes. She's a guy though...or rather, "A man..."
Her little boy follower is a seven swordsmen. Quite cool. He'll probably battle Suigetsu.
I dont know about Danzou and Madara sharing split bodies but it seems Kabuto has the knowledge to restoring Danzou's right arm.
The Tsuchikage looks like one of the toads.
Perhaps Tobi was a previous Mizukage that Kisame simply recognized.
Ahhh, this makes a lot of sense. This chapter really made the case that this girl isn't Madara. Why would we have heard what she was thinking? It makes more sense if she is simply the "new" Mizukage.Quote:
Originally Posted by Carnage
Can someone help me find the chapter where Kisame talks to Madara/Mizukage? I want to make sense of this but I can't find it at all.
damn i'm bored
If Madara isn't the mizukage anymore then I don't know what the relevance was in him ever having been the mizukage in the first place. Also, that other mist guard looks like he's wearing Haku's outfit.
Oh, and everyone from the rock village is hideous.
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Anyways great chapter. Like alot of the new characters. Let's just see where this take us.
I don't get why everyone likes this chapter. It was just a character introduction chapter (which was fine), plus Naruto getting beat up because ofhis love forSasuke (which brought the whole chapter down for me). That was a really dumb compromise. Not only is it pointless, it insults the feelings of those ninjas.
I took that as more like she is sensitive about how she still doesn't have "A man" at her age, hence the "need a man" part, typical anime joke. Either that or she doesn't like it when people mention men around her because it seem to undermine her authority due to her gender.Quote:
Originally Posted by unandpw
Man I so want those Cloud-nins to get their asses kicked. Imagine that me sticking up for Naruto. I'm really starting to like the Cloud-nins though. Can't wait to see their reaction when they actually realize who Naruto is. Would be very fitting if he ends up saving their asses in epic fashion.
I can't quite say I'm a fan of Naruto taking a beating though. Sure it works here and I see how it fits in with the whole breaking the cycle of hatred thing but that really seemed pointless and much like the whole breaking the cycle thing this too just feels like its been done before.
Loving all the new characters, feels like the chuunin exams all over again. The cloud ninjas are freaking bad ass and the new girl, Shii, looks like she may be Yugito's older sister.
Seriously they just scream cannon fodder.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I think behind closed doors, everyone laughs at the Raikage. He's worse than Gai. I'm sure those two would get along famously.
How do you people figure that this chapter furthered the theory that Danzou is Madara? It seemed to me like it pretty much squashed it.
Danzou wants Oro's data to restore his right eye and arm... There is nothing wrong with Madara's right arm and his right eye is Sharingan. So wtf would Madara need help with that for? And what is that in the last frame? Looks like some kind of grotesque monster arm coming up out of Danzou's robe to touch his face; pretty sure Madara's arm doesn't look like that.
The link between Madara and Oro is Akatsuki. The link between Danzou and Oro is pretty easily explained: Danzou wanted his eye and arm healed so he secretly sanctioned Oro's experiments.
And even a split body doesn't make sense because there's nothing wrong with Madara's left side other than his eye as far as we can tell.
I think the people who want to believe the Madara=Danzou theory are banking entirely on shadiness and the eye being covered. Other than that, theres really nothing in their actions that would link the two. Danzou is loyal to Konoha, just in an unethical fashion.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. It's fun to see new chars introduced, and since each Kage has a pair accompanying him/her, that means 15 of the strongest ninjas all gathered in one spot. And I can't imagine Kishi would introduce them and not have them show what they can do, so I'm hoping for a pretty epic battle.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
And I hope he doesn't have poor Anko assassinated. That would suck.