When Will You Stop Watching Anime?
The question we all do not want to ask ourselves - when do you think you will stop keeping up with otaku culture including anime, manga and the like?
Hearing from the older generation of anime fans about how they whine and complain about the decaying of the anime industry that have little entertainment (K-ON!, for example as they say, is the embodiment of all that is"moe" and nothing more). They claim that these new series lack substance that is inferior to the once "great" Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, etc. (older series than this for sure)
Additionally, my otaku friend describes this new trend in anime, if you want to call it that. He calls it "the new wave" of internet and otakus that are suddenly dictating what genres or series that will be produced through sales and merchandise. While some cannot condemn the anime industry for falling through this route to compensate for [free]falling DVD sales, are there any other alternatives that will sustain the hunger of the older generation of otakus and neutralize the lust of the newer generations?
Plus, it may not be a mangaka's fault in how their works become a bubbling pool that spawns broods of despair, the directors and his/her cast are a major factor in determining the quality of the anime. With most animators earning less than $30,000 annually, is this also a big reason why many senior members of the anime community are dissatisfied with poor anime we have today?
To contrast all of this, we do have more people watching anime on a global scale (mostly ever increasing availability of the internet to both developed and developing countries' middle-class families), which is very helpful. In fact, Naruto is one of the most searched content on famous search engines. That extra handful of audiences do help out with sales...or do they when concerning fansubs and licensing?
However, it is the new internet users that continue the anime that is being produced. After all, most animes may be getting a new overhaul with the new international attention and now, corporate attention from the Japanese sector of Pizza Hut (Yum! Brands) and Vaio notebooks (Sony).
What is evident in the anime industry is their limited amount of tricks to pull out of their sleeves. After all, once you pull sex and softcore porn into the picture to captivate the bigger audience of the "new wave", but surely, is sex not going to bore us all one day with so much exposure?
With everything nowadays becoming "mainstream", how does all of this affect you?
Finally, the above open discussions bring me to this point: How has all of the above affect the time you will stop watching anime, and when will that be? After all, fads do die out sometimes. Amongst the Suzumiya Haruhi DVD collections, the Hunter x Hunter manga books, that Mio bolster, those Gundam figurines, that Dragonball Z posters, that Lancelot USB stick you bought, attending anime conventions, cosplaying and many other variants, when will all of those things become mundane and useless to you?
For me, I have noticed the drastic change of the transitioning anime from the older series to the new ones and I have got to say that indeed, I have no idea where the anime industry has headed. I have realized how "empty" a series can become - especially oriented around the romance-comedy-harem genre. Utilizing that example, I have witnessed, time and time again, how that type of anime ends, perpetuating the ongoing relationship battle between two main characters with no distinction from the protagonist to choose one of them.
I used to laugh quite a fair bit at anime before, but with its repetitiveness in delivering punishment for perverse actions, my alienation Japanese puns, reading the terribly written blogs of obnoxious and self-righteous "elites" of the anime community, I barely laugh or enjoy myself when concerning otaku culture, a sign that guaranteeing signs the contract of death date of my interest in otaku culture. From my opinion, I would probably say I would stop watching anime and the like around 31-35, which is about another 14-17 years.
Anyway, it's a huge debate everywhere on every forum, and I am very sure there has been huge discussions as smaller skirmishes in different topics, and I am collectivizing all of those opinions into one topic.