Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 18
Out on
First thoughts:
Pretty strong episode. 00 Gundam is turning out to be a pretty well written series with this second season. As predicted, during the 4 month lull, the Federation pins the Africa Tower collapse on CB and anti-federation forces. A lot of development this episode with Andrei and Louise (the whole irony of those two working together and the death of their parents) not to mention The innovators, and a possible rebellion against ribbons by Regene.
Minimal screentime with Marina and her brats (always a plus!), but with a nice cliffhanger to boot which leaves us wondering the future of Kataron.
It's great to see Soma back, fighting alongside CB to avenge the colonel. And it looks like Anew and Lockon are official now :D There's also hints laid that some ppl at CB may suspect her presence on board.
The whole theory of using Veda to control world information flow may pretty much explain how the general public and the 'internet' can't expose any of the crimes A-laws has committed too.
Anyone else thought of the barack obama parallel when they introduced the first president of the federation? (not saying he's supporting a totalitarian regime ;) but just being the 'first' president. Since 00 does reference what happens in the world in its show i.e the first season with terrorism)
and damnit, I just wish Graham would ditch that awful mask.
I also hope Saji's the one who kills Andrei. That would be poetic justice :D or Soma, Heck, I just want that bastard dead.
Lastly, anyone else chuckled a bit when every character said the name of someone important to them before the battle, but all Setsuna and Tiera said was "Gundam" and "Veda"? rofl