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Good fight. Gundam ep had good fight. :D
Kick ass ep. Only thing I could wish for is some Hal action rather than tease, but he played a role somewhat.
Nena's betrayal was both unexpected (by me), and fun to watch.
Ultimate Defense Grid was WIN. Did they have this in older Gundam shows? It's not that original when they've already got fangs/dragoons I guess, but it's much less a hax move, and looks way cooler. So in Cherudim's case, Trans-Am equates to super computing power :D
And Vampire tactician was no match for Sumeragi. Kati will shake her head with a grin as she reads the battle report.
Great episode. Nena's betrayal was awesome. Al seems to be the trans am bitch for the ship for quite a bit now. Setsuna is pissing off cocky pilots as usual. The vampire guy is finally dead. And I hope the dont abuse trans am, because i remember them saying trans am is dangerous to use or something.
edit: 500th post!
Trans Am removes the limiter and allows the GN-drives to release all their stored GN particles. True GN drives have a self-renewing ability, but this ability requires the drive to beo be filled to a certain level wit GN particles. So after Trans Am, Gundams have to run on restricted (hence vulnerable) power until the drive recharges to a level where it will both recharge and allow normal usage.Quote:
Originally Posted by 6Zabuza9
It does seem that this season's suits have a higher capacity, allowing Trans Am to be used longer.
This second season's been a blast so far, keep it going! But I'm still waiting for them to reveal all that Jupiter stuff. That whole topic kinda died with Eifman.
Awesome episode without (less) superpowers. 00 was a bait and didn't use trans am as he was remaining gundam that was working after retreating and he was taking on innovator with some help from Nena. If Cherudim's shields would be stronger (like each have gn field or have ability to reflect gn beams), he would far more interesting.
I guess Nena still likes Setsuna even after all this time. It was high time that something happen to Wang Liu Mei for all the shit she has done, slap was one, being betrayed is now two.
We all kind of knew that CB would destroy Memento Mori, but I liked the tension they were able to create with their charge on the station.
Other than the action, not a whole lot happened this episode. It was the halfway point, and actually a bit of a set up episode. What will Nena do, and who is this guy who knows Sergei from the HRL days?
I was hoping to see Wang Liu Mei's reaction upon Celestial Being destroying Memento Mori. Nena giving the information to CB and then aiding Setsuna was awesome. Sadly I don't think she'll survive... not if they send Ali after her for doing this.
Originally Posted by Death13a
His shields were taking sustained direct fire from like 12 suits and 4 cruisers. I think they are powerful enough as is.
yes, fin funnel type defense bits have been in previous gundam series so as you've guessed it isn't anything new-- but how lockon seems to be able to control them IS considering i doubt he's a psychic.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
on nena trinity's case im waiting for when she shoots wang liu mei in the back
I love how this show is descending into mindless nonsense.
I thought Haro was in control of the bits?Quote:
Originally Posted by Wren
Even if Nena betrays Wang, then what? She really wont have much of a place to go. I doubt CB will welcome her with open arms.
ah, if it was haro then that makes a bit more sense.
Im pretty sure it was. Although someone please do correct me if Im wrong.
You got anything to back that up?Quote:
Originally Posted by Everon
I agree. While I was expecting them to manage to destroy it, I was half waiting for Ali or somebody to appear just in time to block Lockon's final shot, creating an extra twist.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
It was a pretty good battle ep. Not a whole lot of development for anybody because of the lack of individual missions (except for the vampire guy who got so much development it killed him).
I don't personally expect Nena to have that much of a role; she's too insignificant, but who knows. At least she has the historical role for destroying Saji and Louise's future, so maybe she will play some role there once again. As an opponent for Ali she would have the role of an insect at most...
alright eps. Would of loved to see Ali. Hate to be Nena the next eps. On that topic why didn't she send another message that weng is in same boat as innovaters? seems pretty odd.
Question is trans-am becoming the seed release in gundam seed?
Nena Trinity. She, along with her brothers, is the first Celestial Being element to be isolated and destroyed by the Innovators. She shows affection for Setsuna and some abilities that only Tieria and other Innovators have shown (being able to sync with the Ptolemy's Veda system). Her brothers are all killed while she escapes, only to wind up with Wang Liu Mei in this second season.
First off, I loved that this entire episode was dedicated to a single battle. It just made the whole thing seem so much more epic.
Second, even though it was because of Nena, I was slightly surprised, as others were, that CB actually managed to destroy the Memento Mori in its initial attack. I kept expecting something to go wrong (as episode 13/36 usually is minor good guy character death house episode), or for them to get shot down at the end, but CB sustained zero casualties.
I believe the most interesting thing in this episode revolves around Nena and how she pins Wang Liu Mei to Memento Mori and, thus, the Innovators. I'd actually thought that Wang Liu Mei would almost operate in the same way Ribbons did in the first season, apparently working along with people until she found the right time to betray them, but Nena (and Wang Liu Mei's incredibly forgiving comment about Ribbons' slapping her) seem to really make likely that she is loyal to the Innovators after all.
Nena, however, being connected to Ribbons and the Innovators with whatever mind-link thing is going on, will surely pay for her betrayal. She's dead, maybe serving as a meat shield for a noble way out in episode 49/50.
I think that the fact that the kickass space fortress is already destroyed means only one thing: free-moving doomsday fortress by episode 45.
I think that there could not possibly be a more sterile handling of the somewhat awkwardly-spun homerotic relationship between Tieria and New Lockon than what we had in this episode. I swear, it was like their suits were boning the entire episode. And I still have no idea how "Tieria and Lockon will have to work closely together" as a pre-battle plan has anything to do with what happened.
Those defensive Bits/Funnels have been used before, yes, but they were controlled by a psychic Newtype, if memory serves me correctly. I believe that the Haro unit controlled them (because there's simply no logic in the Cherdim/Haro unit reporting to New Lockon where the Bits are and where the enemy attack is coming from and then waiting for him to respond by sending the Bits to absorb the damage).
But, yes, this show is getting pretty stupid with all the technological gizmos. But somehow I still manage to enjoy it.
Well i kinda waiting for Innovators to send Moon (which should classify itself as doomsday fortress as it houses Veda) down to Earth. I am sure 200 years is enough time to build huge engine to start sending it down until it going to be in free fall. If you want to force humanity to live in space, you first need to burn the house down.
I rewatched the episode, and it seemed like Haro and Lockon were doing the work together. While Haro was certainly the one controlling the bits themselves, I'm pretty sure that Lockon was giving Haro the targetting data. There was a part where Lockon's eyes are darting back and forth real fast, a lot like the multi-missle targetting in Macross Frontier.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Cherudim (and Dynames before it) were already set up for a ton of targetting assist functions. In Dynames, Haro was always the one doing the sub-orbital or curvature-of-the-earth calculations and adjustments while Lockon fed him targetting data through the scope.
The Bits aren't too far above that. Lockon makes the judgment calls of where to block, Haro manages the much more calculation-intensive action of actually moving them.