we get to lots of flashback
next week konohamaru fights pain
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we get to lots of flashback
next week konohamaru fights pain
Ok so we learnt nothing there except that Konohamaru of all people has the ability to surprise Pein.
Naruto may defeat Pein yet.
I'm willing to agree that Konohamaru has great ninja potential (ninjaness seems to be genetic). but seriously, this battle should be over before the next chapter starts. next chapter first page should be Konohamaru's guts splattered all around the street.
other than that, nothing interesting happened.
You mean we will actually get to see yet another Sarutobi kick the bucket?
Nice chapter. Pein is pure awesomeness.
Wow, I don't know if it's just me but that chapter is actually quite touching. Too bad Pain is making Konoha look like garbage even though Pain is a pussy himself.
i agree with rikudo
Well, are you a Rikudo`s alt?
FINALLY, we get to see Konohamaru in action! This what I've been waiting for since he was introduced in chapter 2! The anticipation of Konohamaru taking on powerful foes is what has kept me reading the manga this long!
Our boy is all grown up now and ready to take on Pein! Give 'em hell Konohamaru-kun!
/sarcasm off.
Lame. Is Pein going to be defeated by Harem no Jutsu?
The fight I've been waiting for.
Nice chapter. Despite the lack of action we get some more insights into how Konoha as a village views Naruto. We get some nice development for Closet pervert, and I was very surprised to see him stand up to Pein of all people!
Another interesting technique pein showed off. Reminded me of the 3rd's death god technique he used with the whole soul sucking thing.
And Konohamaru vs pein? Man this is getting epic. :p
I'm actually slightly disappointed we didn't get to see Ebisu do anything. For some reason I expected him to be kind of strong after he's been such a joke character in the manga so far.
Ok, we all know that Konohamaru won't outperform the likes of Kakashi and the rest of the bloody village...
So will A) Konohamaru die?
Or most likely:
B) Someone die in his place saving him, oh I don't know.. Tsunade? Of course it could just be resolved without any death but that would just be a massive let down =[
Although I suppose it's a good entrypoint for Naruto to come save his little buddy.
It would certainly be fitting for Naruto to come back now.Quote:
Originally Posted by Uberbaka
Maybe he'll, mysteriously fast(yet again), come up with a solution for chakra gathering and show up at the end of the chapter for yet another nice cliff hanger?
Something like:
Konohamaru says "leave ma biatch alone you st00pid n4p", to which Pain says "stfu nub, where is Naruto?"
It goes on for half a chapter, the rest is Naruto saying bullshit and finding solution for chakra problem which we are not revealed until next chapter or so. Of course he shows up at the last panel telling Pain to let Konohamaru go - "homo pierced guy, leave my friend alone or I kill you!" (Achmed style)
I pray to Kishi to be wrong, though :D
which frog was given Jiraya's forbidden scroll?
I think that the people that thought of the Kage Bunshin as a way of gathering energy while fighting are going to be right afterall....
Good chapter. Liked the flash backs. Love hearing what the people of Konoha think of Naruto now.
That's a good thing. It makes sense, it uses a mechanic that's already in place so Kishimoto doesn't have to pull anything out of a hat, and it's such a no brainer, it'll be easy for everyone to believe that Naruto came up with that particular solution to the problem.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
edit: If he has any real intelligence, he'd have at least one clone gathering energy at all times. Wouldn't even have to be the same clone doing all the gathering. He could switch up which one does the gathering depending on the situation (assuming the theory that if one clone is successful in achieving sage mode, all of them are).
Although he won't get the energy himself until the clone disperses?
I dunno. The theory was inspired by the naruto turning into a frog problem. If one clone turning into a frog causes Naruto to turn into a frog, then it "stands to reason" that if one Naruto reaches sage mode, they all do. The frog trainer didn't mention anything about Naruto having to dispel the bunshin, though that could make sense. Either way, really.
I was just kidding when I thought about that theory. (Shadow clone sage mode) I'm hoping it really isn't what happens. Its just kind of wrong. I mean after his 'big' rasengan verses Itachi's clone, (replacement body), we really didn't see any benefits of Naruto's training with Jiraya. I'm hoping he's been holding back, (all we did see is him going 3 or 4 tail and Jiraya getting hurt) but there was something that Jiraya told Kikashi, don't let him use 'that' I was soo hoping it was more then just fox mode. It would be nice if there was more Jiraya taught Naruto. (well there was Genjetsu release, but we saw how well that worked)
Basically, what I want is Naruto to all of a sudden grow up, come back to the villiage after Pain leaves, see the destruction left in his wake, and then go out and hunt down all Atasuki like dogs and then run into Sasuke, own his ass, and then having an epic battle with Pain, that results in something amazing...
Of course it is. You would be asking for something like Kenshin, and this is Naruto we are talking about.