Never fear. Speedsubs are here:
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Never fear. Speedsubs are here:
I think the others were pretty justified when they asked just what those two are doing out there (the studio totally animated it like this on purpose)...
A fine episode. Even though I can barely watch pure romance stories, I always like to see two people who love each other to be united as subplots in other kinds of stories.
Other than that, well not a whole lot other happened, but it certainly looks like Mr. Bushido is short of a few screws in the head. Seems like a pretty suicidal attitude to drop the fight when he's winning - what exactly is he waiting for? A moment when he's losing?
Graham is pretty much turned into your standard sentai/kamen rider/power rangers "honorable" villain. He just wants to fight the strongest being there is out there, who happens to be on the other side. He cares little for the goals of his so-called allies, and only the strongest opponents will satisfy him. It's kind of lame that he has become that completely shallow, at least before he would stubbornly stay in the one type of mobile suit in order to prove that he was only caught off guard and is a good enough pilot to fight in inferior equipment.
I remain leery of this conclusion to the Soma/Marie/Alleujah/Halleujah considering how early it appeared. There's still a great deal of time for it to all go wrong, and the unresolved issues between Sergei and Andrei. Still, there was an insert song, so that has to be some proof of things ending well. Sergei once again proves what a cool guy he is, probably the most honorable character in the whole series.
I suppose that they need to focus a great deal more on Tieria and the Innovators, since he never got any development last season outside of his "boku/watashi" dual-gender moment when he activated Nadleeh for the first time. There is also the Saji/Louise/Andrei storyline which I imagine will have a much larger focus this season as well.
Lastly, Saji is still a pussy, but you have to admit, at least he sticks to his ideals, naive as they may be.
It's a sweet ending for Marie/Allelujah, though I too expected things to go on for much longer before a complete resolution. Since they've got to cover Tieria/Ribbons and Louise/Saji's development too, I suppose they're going for a linear approach, finishing them one by one rather than in parallel. It definitely makes the story more structured, pacing and how they do it compared to the overall story would the only potential problem.
Without Marie being the middleperson, I'm struggling to see how Sergei and Andrei's relationship will be solved, if at all. They don't seem motivated to settle it either.
Tieria having the same DNA as Regene Regetta? That can only mean two things, either Sunrise staff failed highschool biology, or Tieria's a hermaphrodite. He's always looked feminine (more so last season), and has had gender issues, but hasn't showed any physical morphing yet. If that is also possible, it raises the possibility that this is Tieria:
Edit: Don't get me wrong, this episode united my two favourite characters. That alone made it an Instant Win :)
Well... personally I'm a sucker for this kind of episodes... so I loved it from beginning to end...
Sergei is so damn cool, I hope he never gets killed...
Graham died on season 1 for me, this one is a bozoo.
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
I'm happy that they finally are going to explain the Tieria thing
i'm fine with "I live to face the best opponent" types. they don't really fit in this series, and it's one of those anime archetypes that's been recycled to death, but i'm still hoping Mister can somehow make it work well.
I'm not such a big fan of the 'find love while stranded on some island' moves, and i think the only reason this one was stomachable for me was because we got more of Allelujah's backstory (i had always wanted to know specifically what happened on that transport ship) and because Sergei was just so freaking awesome. That extra wrinkle really made the episode work. Of course, considering Soma's most likely going to be in CB from now on, I can't imagine it's going to end well for the old guy...
I'm also interested to see what the Allelujah and Soma relationship does to Sumeragi. I think she's mature enough (and eternally heartbroken over Emilio) to just be happy for her buddy, but maybe...
Tieria. Solid background info? And Ribbons AND Wang Liu Mei next episode? I knew him being separate from most of the other pilots in all those OPs was done for a reason... Let's see how deep into the other side he goes... This episode was alright, but I'm really looking forward to the next one.
Graham's new role is now to be randomly killed off my Setsuna, as he refuses to kill his main rival when he and the perfect opportunity
These trademark Sunrise stranded island scenario's always seem to resolve a little more than they should, ideally.
And did Sumeragi have something for Allelujah? Her quote, "Thank god, Allelujah. I didn't lose my reason for fighting."
I thought that line indicated her fragile determination wouldn't be able to cope with losing one of the pilots.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Particularlly because the reason she went comatose last episode was because she sent pilots (specifically her lover among them) to their deaths against their own allied forces. If she was indirectly responsible for another pilot's death, she believed she would totally lose her will to continue.
I wonder how much of this recurring problem with her is the reason she had turned into Billy's drunken sex slave at the beginning of this season. She had believed then that she sent four pilots to their deaths. Though Tieria did come back safely, she didn't know about it.
(Aha, Billy. There is another side plot that needs some more development.)
Since we more or less have proved Saji's unwillingness to fight, I wonder if that empty seat on the bridge will be filled by Marie. Despite the fact that the goal was to give her a "normal life," I don't think her kinder, gentler personality would be particularly averted towards protecting Alleujah from afar with the Ptolemy II's mighty guns.
Actually it's kind of a pity Marie won't, perhaps, by flying a mecha anymore. Despite her personality switching from Soma to Marie, she still told she knows everything Soma does, and thus should be a decently good pilot (and keeping in mind our jolly good Gundam pilots mostly rely on superior technology, she should be as good as they are, at least, measuring the raw skill level). But with no extra Gundams around, it's not like there is anything for her to fly, unless they take her A-LAWs mobile suit with them and repaint it...
I was mildly surprised there wasn't any conflict between the two personalities when Marie regained her first. I suppose at that point Soma was so falling into a state of "I do not deserve happiness" depression, she was more than happy to embrace this outlet.
About the Sumeragi quote, when exactly did she say that? Is it right after they found Al and she sighed in relief?
Yes, right before Ian's daughter noticed Al's girlfriendQuote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
GG, I really hope sunrise doesnt do that, they have a really bad habit of painting suits piloted by females pink(last season, strike rouge, etc...).Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
So far so good though, as you mentioned, Soma already was in a pink mobile suit (I still contend that the Tierien Taozi was one of the most badass MS of last season), and Louise is in bloodthirsty red.
I wonder how Louise will take Soma's "death." ...Probably the same way she has so far, "Damn Gundams! They are the cause of everything bad in the world!!"