The True Identity of "He who must not be named"
Every manga reader should already know what this is about but let me make the question clear:
Who the fuck is Tobi?
He was first introduced to us as an akatsuki aprentice, someone with enough skill to join the group but, according to pain, a man whose skill could easily be replaced.
Some chapters later, we were all shocked ( at least i was ) to learn that Tobi was in fact Uchiha Madara, the founder of the Uchiha clan, holder of the MSharingan and the one who could control the kyuubi as if it was his pet. This was later confirmed by Tobi himself who told us his story of how he came to take the persona of Tobi and became the leader of Akatsuki.
Now i, like many others, didn't really buy it. It was all just too convenient.
This led to a huge number of theories around the character, mostly based on his hair and the fact that he has never shown us his left eyes that he could either be Obito or Danzo.
Now i'm making a poll to see how gotwoot feels about this, who do you think Tobi really is?
In my personal opinion i think Tobi is Obito. The 2 characters are very much alike phisically, he only seems to have his right sharingan, it would provide an explanation ( kinda ) as how kakashi got his MS, the name pun ( Tobi - Obito ), the left side of his face did seem to be somewhat damaged and the biggest proof seems to be in him using a mask.
If he was really Madara he could easily use the transformation jutsu to make his appearance different, so there would be no need to hide behind a mask as to not be recognized. Now if he didn't have his left eye that would be another story, since the transformation jutsu doesn't allow you to restore missing limbs.
This would also work in Danzo's case ( assuming he doesn't have that right eye ), but considering the facts i stated earlier and the latest chapter i just don't think it could be him.
So choose gotwoot, who the fuck is Tobi?
PS: Apparently he was also the Mizukage, but i won't add it to the poll because that's a title and not an identity. Any of the choices above could have become Mizukage ( in theory )