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Why Danzou, WHY!?
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Why Danzou, WHY!?
So Pain's piercings are there not just for decorative purposes. And Sakura can kill a giant centipede in a single punch? Where did Danzou pop out from anyway? And Kakashi's move, while cool, looked like he just electrocuted a dog. :p
noooooooooo the frog died :(
Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or did Naruto destroy a mountain? O_o And Danzou popping out from the shadows? I suppose he is a ninja after all.
Well I never liked those advisors anyways, so that little part this week was pretty good. But how does Kishi plan on ending this fight now that Naruto is "trapped" with Fukusaku. This fight is just too similar to the Orochimaru fight at this point and I wouldnt be surprised if Konoha actually manages to drive Pein away, just as the 3rd did with Orochimaru
I don't think this fight is anywhere near the 3rd and Oro's fight. There is no one at Konoha at this point that can level with Pein's power. I think Kakashi can buy a little time with his Mangekyou sharingan until he figures something out but he'll be dead by then. BTW, he is against 2 of Pein's body now. Figuring out the chakra modulator might help them disable Pein but there's also his rinnegan.Quote:
Originally Posted by ruccus
Originally Posted by Rikudo
Well I was trying to compare the invasion angles of this fight, what with the families grouping together to fight, and also with the "traitorous" aspect of Danzou. And honestly I just hope Kakashi comes out of this alive. Jiraiya's already gone, lets just leave the rest alone Kishi -_-
How dare you do that to the frog Danzou! What an evil bastard, but anyway, the best part about this ch was the lecture Tsunade gave them senior citizens. Finally gave them a little of what they deserve.
Well this chapter made me fully believe that Danzo is actually Madara/Tobi. When you compare Danzo on that last page to the small part of Madara's face that you see when he starts to take off his mask they look almost identical. Not to mention ANBU's Root division which Danzo leads is said to be similar to The Village of the Mists teachings (i.e. Bloody Village in the Mist or something was it's nickname) fits in very well with Madara also being the Mizukage. Also the fact that Itachi trained under Madara means that Madara must of been somewhat close to Konoha often, which allowed Itachi to track him down. Not to mention the most obvious fact which is that Danzo keeps the eye that Madara uses for his sharingan constantly covered by a bandage, their hair styles are also almost identical, I've also been told that Madara has pins in his right arm (although I can't find the chapter in the manga that supports this) and Danzo's right arm is always in a sling.
Image of Danzo from current Chapter:
Image of Madara without his Mask:
One the topic of the destroyed mountains near Naruto, I think that means that he might be able to through the Rasenshuriken now.
^^ Oh my god what a twist that would be.
Originally Posted by Tyreal
One little flaw with this theory; why would Danzou, assuming he is Madara, keep Naruto AWAY from Pein? Sure he looks very similar but honestly does Madara need to be an exisiting character? Danzou obviously has his own plans here.
If that's the case, then the rumor about Danzou being an Uchiha is true. Except he's not another Uchiha, he is The Uchiha.
BTW, the title of the next manga is "Kakashi's hope" - could it be Gai? lol
Because the manga is making such a big deal with hiding his face. I mean, light is magically avoiding his face whenever he reveals it for whatever reason. He's an established character. Trust me. Plot devices don't lie.Quote:
Originally Posted by ruccus
I thought about posting something about this in my original post, but decided we don't really know enough info about Madara to come to any real conclusion (I know that's a little hypocritical considering I put forward a theory about Madara being Danzo). The fact that the theory I put forward could actually be true proves this. But if you want some sort of speculation about why I do have a few ideas, one of which he might be trying to get rid of Pain since it's probably a good bet in a 1-on-1 fight that Pain would beat Madara (if him losing some of his power in the fight against the First is true).Quote:
Originally Posted by ruccus
Another idea (and one that the more I think about it is more and more likely, if Danzo really is Madara) is that he might want Tsunade dead so he can put in a puppet Hokage that would answer to him (or possibly even set himself up as Hokage), without Naruto there to fight Tsunade would be forced to fight, and considering Jiaiya lost to Pain Tsunade wont stand much of a chance. This idea is further supported by the fact Tsunade has just lost all the respect of the advisors in the current chapter so they aren't likely to appoint someone who is similar to Tsunade again. Not to mention the fact Madara's feud with the First Hokage.
IF (and I admit that the next idea is a big if, which like I said before is why I didn't post this earlier) all of this turns out to be true we might see Naruto not be able to return to Konoha and effectively become a rouge ninja (since Konoha wouldn't be safe for him anymore). This would then give way to Naruto being able to team up with Sasuke (and returning Sasuke into the good books) and try and "destroy" the Konoha created by Madara. Wow... that post really got off track.
Until people start to see the holes in that plot device.Quote:
Originally Posted by Vegechan
Around the same time Madara shows his face to Sasuke, he tells him about the village elders, and Danzou is one of them. He has practically told Sasuke, to go and kill those people if he wants revenge. Now this manga has had some real out there moments, but I highly doubt the manga's main villain is going to ask someone to just go and kill him. Honestly this one is dumber than Tobi being Obito (sorry in advance on opening THIS can of worms :P).
Oh and the name Uchiha Madara is an established enough character himself.
where have you been during the entire Itachi plotline?Quote:
Originally Posted by ruccus
dammit, I wanted to believe Danzou is a good guy, with only different view about how to deal with some stuff... now it seems that you can't be a good guy if you dare to oppose the monarchy of the hokage.
also, Danzou told Sai to kill Sasuke. You might say that danzou knew that Naruto will change Sai and protect Sasuke, but it's still a pretty dumb thing to do if he was actually Madare.
Seeing how it become two paynes vs Kakashi, I'm saying that Kakashi is going to survive this fight. maybe even shoot some more 'electric dogs'... like we have all gone super retard.
So, Paynes' piercing is an chackra cellular antenna? good to hear. maybe the vulcan cryogenic tubes are recalibrating the chackra freaquncey between the bodies, (keeping the brainwash intact). pseudo-science mumbo-jumbo.
I really hope that Naruto doesn't return in the close time, but I doubt it, he has to at least meet up with Iruka to become a rouge ninja.
The only thing is, if he actually is secretly Madara, wouldn't everyone in Konoha know what Madara looks like, therefore know it's him? It'd have to be a bit like nobody recognizing that Clark Kent is actually Superman despite the only difference between them is the clothes they're wearing.
Well the statue at the Valley of the End looks nothing like Danzo or what we've seen of Madara for that matter. Not to mentioon Danzo keeps a good portion of his face covered.Quote:
Originally Posted by Raven
Danzou was trying to kill Sasuke. Madara was trying to win Sasuke over.
What's the connection?
Was this going on at the same time though? I don't think it was because when Sai went to assassinate Sasuke, Sasuke had no idea who Uchiha Madara was. From what I remember Danzo didn't want Orochimaru to have Sasuke (and we know that Madara has no problem killing fellow Uchiha), also Orochimaru had previously betrayed Akatsuki so it makes sense that Madara wouldn't want him to get any more powerful. He probably just took advantage of the fact that he could deal Orochimaru a blow from the shadows with Orochimaru blaming Konoha. Then later on after Sasuke dealt with Orochimaru (and Itachi for that matter) he decided to have him join Akatsuki.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn