Happy Birthday KrayZ33!!
Now that you've finally stripped yourself of the immature and irresponsible tittle known as "teenager", go out and enjoy yourself instead of head-shotting the poor n00bs :p
Happy 20th Birthday!!
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Happy Birthday KrayZ33!!
Now that you've finally stripped yourself of the immature and irresponsible tittle known as "teenager", go out and enjoy yourself instead of head-shotting the poor n00bs :p
Happy 20th Birthday!!
Happy Nakie Day!
After enjoying the day out; join me in headshotting some noobs eh? Though no longer a teen; that doesn't mean the fun has to end.:D
Happy Birthday!
Otanjoubi Omedetou!
Well, you get what it means :)
Happy Birthday Kray!
Happy B-Day Loco, have a good one.
Happy birthday and enjoy yourself, KrayZ33! :)
Happi Burfday! Happy Birthday! :)
Viel Glück zum Geburtstag! (no I didn"t even remember that from my german classes...)
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday good fellow. Have a great one =]
Happy Birthday, KrayZ33!
Happy bday you KrayZ bastard
Happy burfday dude!
Happy Birthday to ya o' fellow FSN fan! Let's hope mirror moon finishes up the HF route soon...
Until then, enjoy your day! :)
Wow... ty very much everyone.
I had a really nice day and after I read this here, it became even better. I'm sure I can avoid a hangover now :P