Waiting for something epic to happen
And yet we end up with this...
No bleach next week
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Waiting for something epic to happen
And yet we end up with this...
No bleach next week
Well it's the next part of the regular chapters. I wouldn't say it's nothing man. Be glad that we're over with the minus chapters. I'm thankful actually. This is a new step. I think it was really well done. Short, but it gives Kishi, Oda, wait, Kubo a chance to write some better stuff. Granted, he could've easily given us more to work from, but I think using the old man captain as a focal point for real life through his fire technique was actually kind of creative. I liked it. Plus he's going to answer something we've all been wondering since 315, who is the strongest of the 3 espada. Can't wait till 317.
Not half bad...a giant cock tease, but still. I just hope aizen doesn't uber power his way thru the fire without even doing anything. They're pushing it already and it would suck if the captain commander's technique was childs play to him.
I wonder how long before ichigo and the vaizards show up
Glad that the minus chapters are over? I'm actually dissapointed they are over. Regular bleach chapters are always cockteasers, they never reveal anything. Unlike the minus chapters that were full of info.
I was hoping minimum one panel with the vaizards in this chapter.
Short but fun chapter. A shame we won't be getting anything next week but i'm hoping that mean the next one will be extra awesome.
I'm not so sure how effective the general's technique will be, it's only from his shikai after all
Btw i just remembered something, what the fuck happened to the 10th espada?
Is there a direct link? something for download?
You mean Yami? I don't think anything happened to him. He's just..offscreen I guess O_o;
I bet someone is gonna 1 hit kill him in his release form just to show how powerful that character is. I don't really see any other use for his character anymore.
I really like the negative chapters. They gave more insight into some of the characters.
Yeah it's a teaser, but they got to set the mood back to present day. I hope in the next chapter they aren't floating around in the sky...more action!
yeah!!!!! Back to the Present!!!!!
btw...... are those three remaining espada the top three in the whole ranking..... and are they all women? sorry.... i'm a clueless slow person.....
...well to lazy to look back at their pics too.....
did one of them even look similair to an ulquiorra?
Err... no. Only one is a woman, the other 2 are a old guy and a loli lover.
But what if number one is actually the loli? The possibilities are endless. I really wish Kubo would let us know their ranks though, it's starting to get on my nerves.
We'll probably get them in the next chapter. Anyway who cares about their ranks, i want to see their releases!
does anyone think that Ichigo's school friends that followed him to Urahara shop when he was going to Hueco Mondo will have a role in the following fights even a minor one?
Well if you mean minor by being killed instantly on the spot then yes, otherwise i certainly hope not. They really couldn't have been training for long so i can't imagine them being of any use.