Hey guys, want to see something totally random?
yep... official link http://www.worldscollide.com/
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Hey guys, want to see something totally random?
yep... official link http://www.worldscollide.com/
Batman can kick subzero's ass any day of ther week, even lui-kung found out Sub0's weakness, so batman already knows it, and by defintion, has already won the match.
Besides, Batman has incomparable magical powers. Ever notice how every time someone fires a machine gun at him, he magically appears behind a fire hydrant, or a car, or the bullets magically miss? Sub Zero doesn't stand a chance.
Batman > rest of DC > Marvel > Ninja Turtles > Mortal Combat.
"rest of DC > Marvel" ?
You take that back! DC died with the Golden Age of Comics. I'll concede the Batman part (maybe), but heroes with their own issues (pun not intended) add that tiny bit of realism that makes heroes more interesting.
Sure Marvel gets kind of angsty as the franchises go on, but it's better than being horribly convoluted.
And Deadpool >= Batman (more recent stuff) any day. Breaking the fourth wall.
But yeah, Mortal Kombat is weaker than all the rest.
Please don't make this into a which universe trumps which universe discussion, how about some talk about the game instead?
Rumored( or pretty much official), is that fatalties are out, i can see why, but i hope they implement something cool to offset that.
Also one of the new things they added, is that if you hit someone through a wall, you jump after him right away, and an air battle commences, this airbattle decides who lands face first ofcourse.
This game should also be using UE3, so i expect to see some pretty awesome stuff( the char models look great already).
They better build on the create a character aswell.