What countries will be on which sides in the next World War?
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What countries will be on which sides in the next World War?
World war? What is this all of a sudden, did I miss something?
I don't see any reason why any country should start a war now (Other than the crap in Iraq(Or was it Iran? I stopped caring about that a long time ago))
But hopefully, Canada on the Neutral Side.. Though with our current prime minister who seem to likes kissing Bush's ass, that may not happen.
Westside:Amerika. Israel. germany (becouse they are just evul). and some other gay country's in europe.
Eastside: Iran... iran. maybe syria (but wtf can they do.) russia.
neutral: china.. and they will councur the word after the war.
is this a trick question? if its a world war, then the whole world will be in it except Australia maybe..
Afrika will be overrun because of oil etc.
USA + or vs. Europe vs Russia vs China
i wonder which side japan will take though
smaller countrys will be taken by either Russia/China or "defended" (which is actually the same) by the western world.
germany will never be able to make war on their own... its basically impossible for any Country in the UN/EU
America and Canada vs the rest of the world.
Since when Canada is not part of America?Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
I remember also Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, Belice, Paraguay, Uruguay, Cuba and many more being part of America =P
If it came to a 3rd World War... hopefully only USA will participate, leaving the rest of America alone.
People in the US, usually rather refer to ourselves as America rather than say USA or the United States of America.
I already know that animus.
I just like to correct people when they say it.
Not true, world wars don't involve every country on the planet, like in the first and second WWs. I don't know how many countries are required to participate before it is classified as a world war.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
Don't forget countries like Venezuela, North Korea, South Korea, and Russia. I think Venezuela and NK will take whichever side is against the USA, while SK and Japan will definitely side with the USA. Russia will be a key x-factor, but I think the next world war will probably be USA vs China in a titanic battle of East vs West. I think Australia will side with the USA, just like they are now in the Iraq war.
I don't know who will team up with who, but Im positive that in the end Japan will win.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
well pretty much every country was involved in ww2 and ww1
i didn't mention smaller countries because they are going to join a big country anyways during a war... thats why i said "europe" and not only ~4 countrys
Russia and China will consume any small country close to them like they did in WW2 (well china didn't do it but russia ^^)
There won't be another world war.
The reason for this is simply because nuclear weapons have changed the rules and 1st world countries can no longer go into war against each other.
I agree with Assertn.
That's why the Cold War didn't result in any major fighting.
ya but thats lame :(
sooner or later there will be someone who doesn't care about that
Like Cuba?
well this missle crisis was caused by russia actually...
and the USA started it with their missles in italy and so on
and don't forget the submarines all over the ocean
russia was like "hey they have missles aiming on us? well lets do the same!"
and when USA got mad because of what happened in Cuba Russia said: "Remove yours and we will remove ours."
the crisis ended this way
so the USA is by far more threatening than those small countries.
I can't believe no one has mentioned the most blatant choice in all this yet.
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
It's quite obviously Oceania.Quote:
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter