Originally Posted by KitKat
Last week, I was on the bus riding home, and there was a teenager in the back talking very enthusiastically to some girl about anime. She was just making little agreeing noises, and obviously didn't really care too much. He was very opinionated about anime and going on about how the characters were great in this anime, and the animation sucked in that anime, and throwing in Japanese terminology, all the while talking very quickly and excitedly. Now, I love anime, and knew very well everything he was talking about, but just the way he was presenting it, seemed to advertise GEEK. I really wanted to start laughing at him, but didn't want to embarrass the kid. It's not that the anime he was talking about was uncool, it's the way he was presenting it. Kinda like the kid Higgins in the episode of Invader Zim about waiting for the new Vampire Piggy Hunter game.
So, really, anime can be as "cool" or as "uncool" as you make it, by the way in which you represent it to other people.