Or you can call it chapter 303.5 if you'd like since it takes the place of this week's chapter release. Some interesting background information on Hitsugaya obviously because of the soon to be released movie.
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Or you can call it chapter 303.5 if you'd like since it takes the place of this week's chapter release. Some interesting background information on Hitsugaya obviously because of the soon to be released movie.
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Are you fucking kidding us ...
We expected Zaraki and maybe the most badasss fight in the history of paper-supported comic in the universe -
-And what do we get ? Icy midget and his grandma.
After that, don't be surprised your country is the one with the most suicide, japaneses.
Think of it this way; Zaraki's must be so full of win that it takes twice as long to do.
meh, seeing how most of us won't be able to watch the movie for at least 1 more years this is disappointing.
I think I'm the only person here who really likes Hitsugaya but even I have to say WTF. What is with this, they bumped Kenpachi for this poorly done crap. They are not sufficiently satisfied with pissing off the anime fans so they have to put fillers in the manga as well. Seriously why do we need a back story on Hitsugaya in the manga of all places especially when it has absolutely nothing to do with the current arc. They could have put this crap in the anime, no one is really interested in any of the characters back-stories anyway. The ones we've already seen were all crap.
Mangaka probably didn't finished drawing chapter so he weaseled his way out with this.
Like I said before, if you are going to do some back story thing and put it in the manga (Blasphemy). First do it on an interesting char, Urahara for instance, do it in a way that kicks ass. ( Madarame/Kenpachi backstory in one ep was great).
Second, do not, do not whatever the reason maybe, delay a long awaited Kenpachi fight. (To the pyre you go unbeliever !)
Third ... It's Zaraki fucking Zenpachi. Just think of it, Ikkaku's powerup between the fight with Ichigo and the fight with the Fire arrancar dude was just awesome. Just imagine what Kenpachi's powerup will be ... Have you no common sense, delaying that of all things.
DiamondDust Rebelion thingy Marketings Managers.
Stay the fuck away from our beloved manga.
If I die before next week, I don't win and will miss the coolest fight.Quote:
Originally Posted by mr3vi1m0nk3y
YA face mashing into Matsumoto's chest! Blood wouldn't be the only thing spurting out.....
You people forget Hitsugaya is one of the favorite characters of the japanese... that is why he get so many eps, this movie and now this chapter...
Sadly he is more popular than Zaraki.
Hey, atleast there was some Matsumoto booby action.
Interesting back story, always good to find out more about characters. It does feel like this wont just be one chapter, it may be longer, but I'm just hoping this is just a teaser chapter for the movie, and that they're not going to go through more chapters like this ...
I'm suspecting one or two chapters TOP to clear out the battle that we were on, then off to Kenpachi!
I'm a hitsugaya fan myself, but this chapter was a disappointment considering I was expecting Zaraki vs 5th espada!
Still I think its nice they explore a part of Hitsu's past, i just wish it wasn't at this moment when i wanted something else lol. I think the best part in this chapter was the part where Hitsugaya had the "Konohamaru-Tsunade" boobie moment. Priceless. And its good to show that Hitsugaya also cares for another person besides Hinamori.
At least we have a backstory on a captain that's canon.
Decent chapter, but bring on zaraki!
I don't care for any booby action. Anyway from the "feel" of this one I'm guessing that we are going to see at least two more.
If this happens I'm cursing you to the lowest level of hell for jinxing us.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Well if I'm right I'm right. I think there should be atleast two because they will ofcourse show us when he learns to use his zanpakuto, when he learns bankai, when he becomes a captain and ofcourse he has to over some adversity somewhere along the line. Then there is Matsumoto and Momo so it sounds like two more to me.