Watch your fansubs on your XBox 360
Just a heads up for any of you 360 owners out there.
A recent XBL update has added a bunch of DivX/XVid codecs to the 360's video player.
Which means that now, most of your fansubs can be played on your 360 from a burned DVD data disc. No need to try and recode the format or anything.
I've been checking out my library and almost all of my stuff runs.
It's quite awsome as I'm finally able to watch my HD episodes of One Piece on my HDTV. I've started rewatching the Water 7 arc.
Just wanted to let everyone know. If you own a 360 and an HDTV(normal tv's cut off most of the subtitles in most fansubs because of the picture shape), you'll be in heaven.