Ok.... whats on your christmas list?
I have so much stuff right now... so mine is pretty brief :
8 or 16gb flash drive
Naruto Manga Collection (the 27 volume collectors one)
maybe a new motherboard... idk
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Ok.... whats on your christmas list?
I have so much stuff right now... so mine is pretty brief :
8 or 16gb flash drive
Naruto Manga Collection (the 27 volume collectors one)
maybe a new motherboard... idk
Genocide somewhere other than a third world country or maybe nuclear proliferation.
I have nothing to contribute to this thread. As long as the few people I care about are happy I'm good but a couple hundred thousand dollars couldn't hurt.
Didn't we just have this thread, like, last month?
You mean this thread:
I remember it well...
Holy Hell... Deadfire!
I bought that collectors set... from Amazon... and had to ask for a replacement since the box arrived cracked, and the acrilic/glass, whatever it was, was cracked as well.
Hmmm.... lets see....
*Gamestop Gist card for 100+
*Asus Dual Core Motherboard
*4 250 SATA Harddrives 7200rpm at least
and the most important thing....
*My scarf from KitKat ^_^
Ah... I was thinking I don't have anything special to look forward to as such, but now that you mentioned the scarf, it would certainly be nice. Though quite unreasonable; KitKat sounds busy indeed these days.Quote:
Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
Oh, ye of little faith. The power of KitKat compels thee! lol
Anyway, I believe that KitKat will come through, and she'll be playing DDR while knitting lol.
Nah, it's not that. I just hope she won't burn herself out just before the Christmas. I'm sure she'll have plenty of things to do in any case.Quote:
Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
*grins* Holidays are prime knitting time! School has been insane enough that knitting has been put on hold temporarily (this week I pulled my first all-nighter since undergrad) but I finish my exams pretty early, and hopefully I'll get two or three more knitting requests finished over the break. And Phoenix....I can't start your scarf without a pattern you know......
Heh heh, Im working on it. I'll send something by tomorrow. I had my first onslaught of exams this week.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Masa's 2007 Xmas List (not necessarily in order of importance):
1. Two new, inexpensive, and hopefully diaper durable suits... or at least suit ensembles...
2. Several new ties for the children to pull on
3. Socks
4. At least one more pair of nice shoes... hopefully somewhat comfy...
5. Condoms
6. A good electronic razor blade, or a normal style razor and several extra 'throw-away' blade heads.
7. Root Beer
8. Tiny containers to organize stuff in (most of what i went off to college with is no more)
9. One good new book
... It's a long one this year, and I'll probably be opening a few packages wrapped by me, bought by me, as I really need some of those clothing items.
"So a 6 foot tall half black guy walks into a tailor's in Japan and..." sounds like the setup of a bad race joke...
My Christmas wish list is a lot less commercial than most:
1) Humankind to achieve higher levels of understanding and acceptance with each other and the universe
2) Humankind to stop being so lazy and stupid
3) Humankind to make positive changes for the future of our planet and species (and other species affected by our filthy ways)
Once again though, I'm sure I'll be disappointed and not receive any of these items from my wish list. Therefore, I'll also accept a DSLR camera, FMIC for my STi, and desktop replacement laptop that weighs less than 7lbs.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Are you serious? That seems a bit idealistic for someone like you to even be joking about.
What I want is enlightenment.
Actually these are central tenets of my existence, but since people fail so badly, I go into bash mode pretty easily these days. Like I said, I'll accept the DSLR, FMIC, and laptop.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
At first glance, your first and second wishes seem to be contradictory.
That's assuming you honestly believe everyone else in the world is not as intelligent as you are.
I'd say 95% aren't.
I don't think 1 and 2 are contradictory, though some would say they are mutually exclusive. I prefer to think that one leads to the other, or is the product of the other.
Goddamn, there's a lot of stupid bastards walking around...Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
There's truth in that, but there's a lot more contention in assuming that everyone else's way of life is inferior to your own. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just think the assumption you make in point 2 would hinder development in point number 1.Quote:
I prefer to think that one leads to the other, or is the product of the other.
Then again, stupid people...
Actually I think that 2 and 3 would be the product of one or 3 and 1 would be the product of 2 ,either way its equally implausible. Utopian societies are inherently flawed, the concept itself is impractical.