First episode by BSS:
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Pretty good first episode. They have their own love interest. I'm sure to watch the following episode. I hope there will be more developments.
I liked the first episode.
At this rate, looking at the pairings Mao's gonna end up with her jerk 3-year classmate. Was hoping it would be her and Sanada, but who knows. These love-romances never have the main character ending up with an older girl, but usually someone in the same year. Though, she is an osana najimi. Hopefully there's still luck for Mao and Sanada.
Liked the first episode a lot. This will be a series to look forward to every week.
I don't know why, but it feels like a girl will go insane in this series... like, Kaede from Shuffle...
Wow, there was only 3 replies to this thread? Either people thought this show sucked, or people just forgot to follow it. Well, I just finished watching it and I figured I'd revive this thread and see if anyone else has seen it all. And if anyone else has seen it all, what are your thoughts? All I have to say is, it's definitely on my list of recommendations for a good comedy/romance.
I recall commenting it oft enough but it seems to have been another forum...
It was a good enough show and it kept the suspence high till the end, which is naturally a good thing. However, compared to some shows that were running at the same time, I guess it lacked originality and glory to gather more attention.
It also had a totally worthless special released not long ago:
Special - BSS
The show itself was better than many high-school romance shows out there, but that special isn't worth the bandwidth. The main character was some girl I didn't even remember anymore, and certainly not one of the main characters. Dunno what they were thinking making an inconsequent episode out of her. Probably nothing at all.
I never knew this show existed.
I just followed the first link Munsu posted and the characters look lovely... I'll download it.
(*cough* btw I somehow know the name of this show...but from a different categorie ^^ )
edit: cool even boxtorrent got it... -> fast download.
edit2: Ok just watched the first episode, and its very(!) funny and the animation is pretty good too.. I hope all the episodes will be like this, great stuff
thanks for bumping that thread up, wouldn't have noticed it otherwise!
"healing beaaaaam"
Ok I just finished the last episode... and this is a really, really good romance series!
The only thing I didn't like were the characters lying all the time, saying that they are all right even though everyone knows that was not the case..
up to a certain point it was necessary to hide their feelings but they overdid it sometimes ^^
I feel sad for Sakino... actually I hoped she would end up with Aihara, they are a perfect match! But well, that simply shows that you can't always have a happy ending for everyone... even though it ended in a "positive" way, it was not a true happy ending like one is used to get in animes.
I loved it, the characters were animated extremely nice... and another good thing is that it wasn't focused only on 2-3 persons but on ~4-6.
Btw Mao's VA sounded like she was really crying whenever Mao was sad... It sounded so realistic, you could really hear that she tried to supress her feelings and her tears when she was very sad and spoke
I really have to give her credits for that because it's a first for me to notice something like that, in this way. I think, because of her, Mao was my favorite character in the show...
As I said, the only annoying part in this anime is when they kept saying "Everything is alright - *insert random excuse*" when they were asked "What's wrong?!" for like ~5 episodes, it felt stretched.
But except for this part, the show is one of the best I've seen in the romance-genre and one of the better (top10) ones if you compare it to anime in general.
Everyone should give it a try, if you have not watched it yet, do it... you won't have any regrets later imho!
Some scene really gave me goosebumps and so did the ED Themes
I was a total Eriko fan for the whole duration of the show. And I'm glad it ended like it did. I didn't even much care how it ended for Kouichi. Damaged goods can be so interesting, as opposed to plain, ordinary ones like Sakino.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33