GW Reading the Same Manga: New Edition - "Completely Scanlated" (Round 1)
Well, I suggested it, and I like the art (same author as Okusama wa Joshi Kousei).
One for Peridot.
I voted for Peridot, but to be honest they all look interesting so I'll be happy no matter what happens. I have already watched the Midori no Hibi anime though.
I was hoping for Parasyte myself, but it looks like Peridot is getting the votes.
Once we go through the "genre" rounds, I'm thinking of keeping the 4 suggestions that lose and add 1 extra suggestion for next time. So if you have any more completed series in mind, feel free to pm me and I'll keep it in mind for next time, else I'll choose another one myself.
Peridot isn't the greatest read, it's like a toned down version of Ikkitousen (which was awful as all hell). Though the only things I liked about it were all the tits, and the main character's father.
Voted for Kiseijuu
I've read everything here, but i will participate in the discussion when you guys manage to pick something.
edit: actually i'll vote for Kiseijuu because it's a really interesting read.
Hmm, Kiseijuu and Peridot are currently tied at 3 votes. The battle is heating up.
Well i know nothing about any of these mangas so i had nothing to go on except pages. And i must say that Kiseijuu (Parasyte) is the one that looks like the most interesting one so i put my vote on that one. I guess i broke the tie :)
I haven't been reading very much manga recently... i think i'll jump on this too. Went with DD's pick and voted Parasyte
Although a doujin of Midori no Hibi I read was kinda... steamy.. I doubt it will be as interesting, so I voted for Peridot. I voted based on the images which bud posted, totally ignoring all plot-- so we will see how that turns out.
Looks like Kiseijuu has a substantial lead... 1 more day till the poll closes, but it looks like Kiseijuu will be the winner, so might as well start downloading it.
Direct download:
http://www.mangatraders.com/manga/series/157 10 Volumes total.
voted for kiseijuu,,, Odd monsters just do this to me..
I'll get to downloading it right away, hopefully i'll finish it this weekend, but it's also YomKipor (jewish holyday), so things might happen.
Edit: I should've probably waited with reading at least until tommorow...
but that's just how great stories are. once you start, you can't leave it alone until it's over..