I wonder why chapter 366 is not out yet?
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I wonder why chapter 366 is not out yet?
You're lucky Mangahelpers posted some spoiler pictures:
Spoiler 1
Spoiler 2
EDIT: Oops, sorry...I forgot to post the source thread
EDIT: Maybe this spoiler is real?
EDIT: Well, at least the picture I linked to in the second edit was real.
nah its ok. thanks alot!!
Originally Posted by ian_sanzo
Is it ok? Good one, I think that you should read the rules playa.
Those pics looked kind of fake to me. Normally they arent that quality yet when they are spoilers. -dg-
I wasn't apologizing to you.Quote:
Originally Posted by ian_sanzo
both of those look ridiculously fake.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
1) Because Shonen Jump was not published last week
2) Because Shonen Jump hasn't been published this week yet
3) Those pictures are fake
It wasn't published because Kishimoto is a douchebag.
I don't think the publishing of shonen jump has anything to do with Kishimoto being a douchebag.
:Anxiously waits for the day that ody doesn't leave a shitty post:
Anyway...I like how the past 3 chapters have had photoshopped images of Paine confronting Naruto or Itachi.
maybe a double chapter next week?
There's no such thing as a double chapter.
There are indeed what the japanese call 'double-issues' but it doesn't it mean it has double number of pages, just the fact that they are sold for 2 whole weeks, instead of one.
Wow, is Kishifagmo going to release a chapter this week or is he going to leave us hanging again?
It's only Thursday.
Are you ever going to post something worthwhile or just leave us hanging forever?
The latter.
you know he has nothing to do with the relase of Jump right?Quote:
Originally Posted by ody
im sorry... did the thread just repeat itself? ody, if you dont like kishimoto.... stop reading naruto and caring about when it comes out.
i cant wait for the next chapter to come out... and so far this thread has consisted of your shitting all over it, and a couple fake spoiler pictures.
a good point, bb...
think i'll simply trash this garbage when the actual chapter comes out... the only reason this hasn't been done is on the wild possibility that some of those spoiler pics are actually legit...
i hope sasuke shows up in the middle of naruto and itachi's little confrontation. That would be awsome if that bird tells juggo that itachi is still lingering around ground zero of deidara's final masterpiece lol. Hopefully next chapter will be a free-for-all between team hebi, konoha, and team itachi. Im so anxious to see pain's techniques.