Gasp man, 17 as well? We're not even a week apart. Enjoy the day, hope you have as much fun as I did last week.
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Gasp man, 17 as well? We're not even a week apart. Enjoy the day, hope you have as much fun as I did last week.
Time seriously goes too fast, so you should enjoy this day and lay back.
Happy Birthday!
They grow up so fast...
Happy Birthday! Don't do anything that will get you arrested. It kinda ruins the fun.
Have a nice Birthday!
damn, i missed that it was someone's birthday?... i must be getting old...
have a good one, to the guy who I always remember rambling on IRC at the wee hours of the morning when most people are dead asleep. one more year and you can legally get with Tessa!
Happy Birthday kenren, I hope its a good one!
Try not to idolize over Tessa too much today, save that for tomorrow. :p
Happy Birthday kenren, I hope you have a great birthday! Pictures are a must remember.
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it.
My friends planned a surprise party, which I never expected them to do it and they have this tradition of bashing the hell out of the birthday kid. Thank god i escaped the bashing >.<
I'll get back on IRC asap! Thanks again! =)
Hope I'm not too late. Happy birthday kenren! :p
Happy birthday to Kenren!
Happy bday dude...have a blast!
Happy bday! :)
Sigh.....women.....always late...........:D
Dont IRC slap me anymore! =(
Happy Birthday Ken! Enjoy the illegal booze :p
Happy Birthday!!!!