Praise be to DB.
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Praise be to DB.
i was ready to watch it when i got home a little while ago and got the raw; unlike last week where there were 2 different subs before DB released. But its nice that DB is on top of their game, i'm going to watch it as soon as it finishes and deprive myself of sleep. It is a really good episode but i will not go into details until others have watched it and after i get the dialogue ;)
Currently Download. :)
There better be some action.. I'm getting sick of the constant talking..
Yet again.. I'm disappointed.
It gets good at the very end and we get a decent surprise on what happened to the Third Kazekage. Also the guesses people had about Sakura being controlled or not are answered and a small bit about Orochimaru & Sasori once being partners.
They are really drawing it out too much though. I still felt empty after watching it and felt there should have been more instead of talking the first half of the ep.
Actually, this is the best episode i've seen in shippuden so far. The dialogue wasn't pointless like last week's one, it had very little of naruto, and they managed integrate the 3rd kazekage's story into the fight quite elegantly. They also showed kankuro learning from his past mistakes and maturing as a ninja, so although the first half of the ep wasn't in the manga (if i recall correctly), it was very good way of extending the episode without dragging out fight scenes.
Speaking of which, this had the best fight sequence ive seen in a while (years, as far as naruto is concerend). Thought it was fluid and well animated, and sasori's attitude/voice is pretty damn cool. If the keep with this pace of action they might have a chance of redeeming this arc.
I know that people have been saying Shippuudan episodes have been a drag lately but its starting to get good! And it will be even better if you can be patient and wait. The talking wasnt that bad, it was mostly flashbacks which we havent see before. I dont see how a person can complain about an episode like had a decent amount of action. Btw...when is the summer special episode suppose to come out?
The fight scene with Gai and Neji were a bit better and more fluid.
The whole fight scene with Sasori still sucks because of all the gay ass dialog and 20-second stares.
I like how 7 hasty shinobi = the potential downfall of the sand village. Lols old people are nuts.
You can already tell they've taken the whole "puppet combat" concept to a whole new level for this fight. Wtf Kankuro never had summon seals on the arms of his puppets to summon 50 more arms before...
@February: They said August 2nd which is next Thursday, so no skipped week it seems.
@Assertn: Sassori is just that badass, he wouldn't be the best if he just used regular stuff would he?
I liked the way the story of the 4th Kazekage was presented in the anime more than the way it played out in the manga. I think it actually ties things together better than the way they were left to be inferred. Best of all they managed to animate two chapters worth of pages instead of just one this time! Hopefully the trend will continue and next weeks special will be at least 4 chapters worth.
UGh.... Team Gai's scenes are so pointless. I hate how they keep running facing each other. Didn't we establish it the past episodes that it was going to be tough to defeat their mirrors? They repeated the same thing.
And then of course Naruto had to say give gaara back again.
Why can't they keep the animation nice like episode 1-2? Are they that poor to do it? I mean Naruto is one of the most popular shows, shouldn't they be filthy rich? Well I'm not too sure about this stuff.
At least the fight with Sasori was pretty interesting.
It starts to worry me, you see a whole new team from the sand going the same route like Naruto did. I expected they would encouter Zetsu, there bound to be some fighting, or else the old guy wouldn't be involved. This means 4 battles to switch around... :P
Well, I did like this episode, we finally know what happened to the third. And we now know that Orochimaru is Sasori's original partner. Seems like Sasori learned the soul transfer technique.
Woo! I totally called Granny puppeteering Sakura!
Sasori's puppets also rule.
Good episode I thought.
I actually thought it was immensly heavyhanded the way they handled that.Quote:
Originally Posted by D.Kev
Grandpa: "Lemme tell you a story. One time we lost the Kazekage. Still looking for him. The end"
Ninjas: "That's a terrible story."
Cut to Sasori: "Haha! I have the Kazekage right here!!"
Now that they lost Gaara, maybe they will take the third Kazekage back to the village once they defeat Sasori.
Although he might turn out to be what they call a puppet ruler...
Heh really liked the last few minutes of this episode especially when the bitching new guitar rift kicked in during the sasori fight. Honestly that's what's really been missing from the shipuuden fights thus far, kickass music like heavy violence to help push along the action (I honestly really wished they used it during the kisame fight).
Kind of sad that the last few minutes of the episodes we're in of themselves nearly an entire chapter of content. Just goes to show you how quick things are in terms of animating action sequences.
I liked this episode. Didn't look to the corner to see how long it's been playing for. Noticed (perhaps more than normal) that animation is a little subpar compared to older episodes. Wonder why that would be? Seems more 2D compared to old stuff.
Deidara just keeps saying "Sasori is strong, I want this Jinjurriki.", and he flys away instead of taking him on.
Chyio Lady seems to have as much up her sleeves as does Sasori. Don't think the two puppets summoned in the preview can save her from poison gas though. Wonder how she gets out of that. The two puppets from the preview were controlled by Chyio right? Don't think she'll use human puppets like Sasori, but there doesn't seem to be a difference in appearance. Either way, more "human" than Kankuro's buddies.
Nah, the animation was good. Especially the characters faces and the way Sasori talked.
The preview looks like a downgrade of visual quality though.
tha part of the 3rd kazekage story told by the old man was meaningleass coz we alraedy know that story instead increase the action part with sasori
I thought Deidara wanted the Jinchuriki for himself. Shouldnt he stop running away now (since he's so far away from Sasori) and take on Naruto?
And I always thought Sasori's hair was its like pinkish red.....but its not as bad..just need time to get adjusting to
Deidara isn't a jinchuuriki....:confused:
I thought the ending sequence was worth it. The sandaime kazekage looks badass and I can't wait to see what kind of cool abilities he has. Plus, now that Sasori is out of the box, he can fight at full potential. the next ep should be a good one.