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Originally Posted by Splash!
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That's pretty annoying.......isn't there a way to directly link to those images?
Looks like we get a deidara backstory afterall!
These ch.s are taking forever to come out lately. Anyways looks like itachi makes everyone he meets hate him and his sharingan.
Yeah... sorry bout that. Didn't had time to change them when I posted the chapter.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Will do now since I have some free minutes.
The arrest of several Raw-Scanners from some weeks ago afected the raw scanning.
What is it with Sasuke and breaking into peoples heads anyway? Or do you think we are in a voluntary Deidara flashback?
Not bad, not bad. Seems kinda weird for Deidara to suddenly have a hatred for sharingan when he seems so content around Itachi, and didn't make any reference to it when he fought Kakashi.
Did he just finally realize Sasuke had the Sharingan or what?
And rofl... How predictable. Diedara going to use himself as a bomb. Anyways, it's about time he died. He was one of the less interesting Akatsuki members anyway.
If Diedara dies and Tobi has escaped Sasuke won't have any leads to Itachi. Perhaps Naruto and the gang will run into Itachi and then eventually Sasuke catches up or something.
ok well last time sasuke fought an [ex]akatsuki member and we went to a flashback of him (Oro) getting owned up by Itachi's genjutsu, that Akatsuki member was killed by Sasuke. Of course that points to Sasuke killing Deidara in this next move.
I would like to point out this is probably Deidara's final, most powerful jutsu. His hands cant chew clay anymore and the cover on 357 says "once you see all 3 tongues, it's all over".
That coupled with Deidara saying "Dammit all" after looking into Sasuke's eyes most likely means Sasuke already has Deidara trapped in a genjutsu.
To stretch this even further, Deidara could be assuming that whatever jutsu he tries on Sasuke will be used back on him. So this looks to be his self-sacrifice move. His finest piece of art combined with Sasuke's art (In his fight with Itachi, he reluctantly admitted to himself that Sharingan is art). This will be the biggest bang (therefore best piece of art) he's ever been a part of so he'll die satisfied.
Of course Sasuke will dodge the attack with his teleport jutsu if not something else.
So if Sasori didn't have a partner before Deidara joined, then that must mean Oro left already at this point, since Oro used to be Sasori's partner.
But, like I said before, there used to be 10 members before Oro left, and even after Deidara joined they were still short 1 member....so I guess Deidara must have inherited his ring from some nonamed akatsuki that must have been killed as well.
Even though his art lost to Itachi's art, he never actually admitted Itachi's art is better. He realized it for a moment then went into denial. Living that lie he had no reason to hate Itachi from then til now.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Then page 15 you see Deidara continuing his denial up until the "Not to Not to...Ugh" line. That was the exact moment Deidara finally admitted Sharingan is art and now he's going to go out in a work of art(s).
It's funny.. this time last week everyone was predicting the end of Deidara. However, yet again he survives. He has a knat for getting out of tough situations.
Too bad he's going to kill himself in an attempt to kill Sasuke... I liked Deidara :(
@ assertn
Maybe Deidara has some latent issues about the Sharingan. Maybe he knew that there was no way that he could kill Itachi, so why not take out that anger on his little brother?
Any maybe Deid is in some sort of Genjutsu right now, we'll have to wait and see how good Sasuke really is. Can he compete with Itachi yet? Hmm...
I agree with all you've said but two points. I doubt Sasuke has Deidara trapped in a genjutsu simply because we've never seen him use one. Ever. Itachi has always been a genjutsu user; it appears to be his specialty. Even if Sasuke is using Sharingan, that doesn't necessarily mean he can use every latent power within it. Second, I've heard someone mention it before, so I need to question it now: what teleportation jutsu does Sasuke know? I've never heard of him using one.....in fact the only ability I ever heard of which comes close to that is the Fourth's special move.Quote:
Originally Posted by chet_chetty
All in all, decent chapter....it's interesting to see that not all Akatsuki members joined of their own free will; they were sometimes recruited forcefully.
So are is this going to be a current thing with the people Sasuke kills? A flashback for everyone who's encountered Itachi. We can have a big montage of people who have met up with Itachi.
Im getting used to the second level cursed seal form of Sasuke's...at first i used to think it was too ugly..maybe because of his purpleness shown in the anime
i enjoyed this chapter, i was kind of rooting for deidara because i knew sasuke is suppose to win this fight..it feels like it.
and don't you think that at least 1 freaking person from the Naruto team must have heard/seen those big explosions by now and came to check it out? i guess they all took a break and decided to eat ramen
Not much to say about this but bye Deidara, heh.
I don't think Sasuke has Deidara trapped in any genjutsu.
Tobi's lines and actions just make you like him more and more.
I swore I also saw a post about it. Just now, I was looking to the point where I thought I was talking out of my ass but Yukimara asks about it and Q-Bert answers it in the 357 thread. Tobi calls it a Shunshin jutsu on p10 of 357. Teleporation was just a misleading word I used.Quote:
Originally Posted by KCMmmmm
Well there's evidence that can go both ways. First of all Diedara did his whole suicidal exploding trick way back in the Garra rescue ark and he survived that. Then again he's lost his cloak and whenever an akatsuki member fights without their cloak it's only before they go all out and also before they die. Sasori died after taking off his same goes for Kuzuzu and to a lesser extend Hidan (his was burned off).
These three chapters showing this battle would be really good all read together in a row (I'm assuming it will end next chapter). But reading them week to week is not as good because frankly, Diedara just isn't that interesting to wait for.